
Good morning!

Hard to judge an attitude from just what is written here. Everyone's been respectful even when there's disagreement. So I don't feel there's anyone I can't stand.

Mostly IF that even happens it's because of the way someone carries himself including body language and how they speak. Maybe if they're really being cocky or disrespectful that would be annoying, but haven't experienced it here.

Did you bring it up for a reason? Anyone grinding your gears?

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I don't pay attention to attitudes unless they are positive attitudes.

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How are you doing man, hope you're doing fine today.
Actually your question is a bit complicated and as you know we are not entitled to judge anyone in what they do here.

But when you talk about attitude which I cannot condole is pliagiarisim (the act of copying another person's work) in the tribe.
Though I've not seen such action in a which it shows that most of us are taking correction.

However this is mostly committed by newbies who do not have proper orientation of what not to do and what to do in the system.

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Good morning mate, it as been a long time I see you in this community hope there is no problem and thank God you are here today, am happy to see you again and have miss you.

Since your question the attitude have notice in people from this tribe is a good one, I not see any negative attitude because everyone love which other.

Even our boss here @vempromundo.pob is a lovely and honesty man, he is straight forward, he love us as his family.

Like others they are wonderful, they show love to other

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I dont really know you inspiration you have in asking such a question but all I know is that is still a good ground to learn from people contribution..

Attitude I believe their is no how a community can be and we will all be satisfied with our attitude though thing might happen and it will look like taking offense but thanks God we all have mature people in the house that handle matter in a good way..

With the few days have spends here in the house have never see any issues the that maybe is just because of the love we have for each other ..

However were ever their is love it will be very hard to pick offence, thanks for bringing up a topic like this, and I know with contractions from other reasonable point will be stated out

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Greetings man. Sorry man about the illness. Knew something was wrong after noticing your reduced activity on the platform in general. Hope you are much more better now?

The one attitude that turns me off from certain people on this tribe is plagiarism all in the bid to farm rewards. Also noticed that some people do funny things just to win. Love a fair system where people play by the books.

Talking in general for certain hive tribes. For POBtalk, only pro's no cons discovered yet. In here still sweet as it could ever be. Hope we grow into much of a family.

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Good morning mate.

I don't know about the attitude of people generally in but for the #Pobtalk i can say that everyone has been respectful, loving and caring and we do respect each others opinion.

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I don't pay attention to that. I might have done that in the past, but since I started studying a lot about emotional intelligence, I don't.

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Greetings to you too. Personally I have not noticed any attitude out of place from anyone, so far everyone I have come across has been kind and respectful.

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I have noticed that some people do not have a mind of their own

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For me its all pros dear not a single con. This is the Best Tribe and With the Best People. I love the support and friendliness of people here. The POB rich list is very encouraging and interactive, not easy to find such fellowship in other tribes. There is a very prosperous and positive tribe. I am glad to be a part of it. We are growing everyday with the best brains around the world. 😊🙏

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Hello mate and let me a warm welcome to you too and it is good to see that you are here again today ,nice one mate.

Even though I don't know the reason for your question,but I want to say base on me everyone here as been fantastic and no cause for alarm at all,so am going to say everyone as been so good towards helping each other one way or the other.

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