I have been reading several publications of the Proof of Brain community to know well what is recommended to publish and from everything I think that in conclusion is that we must create original and quite creative content, but this does NOT end only with it.
HereHereThe idea is also to make the community more attractive for others to join and thus expand and win places within the network, for this, among everything I have read, the most relevant thing is to be judicious and aware when it comes to give our support, that is to say that we really do it according to the material that we are selecting, for example if we like photographs and we see a publication of excellent photographs we do not hesitate to support it, in my particular case I have left my vote and comment on the publication from @offgridlife and its post or as the case of @clixmoney's post showing the amount of tokens and their position in the rich list
What do you think gives you more scope? I understand that it depends on the objective, what you want to achieve in Proof of Brain, I think that what concentrates us all as a community is the ability to create good content and win long-term betting on the growth of the POB community.

He estado leyendo varias publicaciones de la comunidad Proof of Brain para conocer bien que es lo que se recomienda publicar y de todo creo que en conclusión es que debemos crear contenido original y bastante creativo, pero esto NO termina solo con ello.
AquíAquíLa idea es también hacer mas atractiva la comunidad para que otros se sumen y así expandirnos y ganar los lugares dentro de la red, para ello entre todo lo que leído, lo mas relevante es ser criteriosos y conscientes a la hora de dar nuestro apoyo, es decir que realmente lo hagamos conforme al material que estamos seleccionando, por ejemplo si nos gustan las fotografías y vemos una publicación de excelentes fotografías no dudemos en darle apoyo, en mi caso particular he dejado mi voto y comentario a la publicación de @offgridlife y su publicación o como el caso de la publicación de @clixmoney que muestra la cantidad de tokens y su posición en la lista de ricos
¿Qué es lo que crees que te da mas alcance?, entiendo que depende del objetivo, de que es lo que quieres lograr en Proof of Brain, creo que lo que nos concentra a todos como comunidad es la capacidad de crear buen contenido y ganar a largo plazo apostando por el crecimiento de la comunidad POB.
Thanks for mentioning. I think you need to remove the space between [Here] and the ( . So, that will give you a nice clickable link.
@clixmoney Excellent! Thank you very much, is that I use a translator and had not reviewed. Thank you very much and I have many successes too!