Have you ever heard of the Osborne Effect? This as well as "The Streisand effect" are effects that are directly linked to computing and technology, having a direct relationship with marketing, the use of these phenomena can be easily applied to any situation.

If we analyze their names in relation to the effect, it has little to do with it, it is a bit difficult to remember what it is all about just by remembering the name, but in the world of technology these theorems have more relevance than many other more well-known ones. Their names are related to their origin rather than to the phenomenon.
There are also other very relevant theorems in the technological environment as is the case of "Moore's Law" that was born around the 1960s approx. which simply mentioned that every 2 years the number of transistors in a processor would double and SURPRISE! the law has been fulfilled for many years as if it were a prophecy.
In the next post we will see what the FAMOUS "Osborne Effect" is about and its origin.
¿Escuchaste alguna ves el Efecto Osborne? este al igual que "El efecto Streisand" son efectos que están directamente ligados a la informática y la tecnología teniendo relación directa con el marketing, el uso de estos fenómenos se pueden aplicar fácilmente a cualquier situación.

Si analizamos sus nombres en relación al efecto poco tiene que ver es un poco complicado recordar de que se trata con solo recordar el nombre, pero en el mundo de la tecnología estos teoremas tiene mayor relevancia que muchos otros mas conocidos. Sus nombres guardan relación con su origen mas que con el fenómeno.
Existen también otros teoremas muy relevantes en el ambiente tecnológico como es el caso de la "Ley de moore" que nació por los años 1960 aprox. que simplemente mencionaba que cada 2 años se duplicaría el número de transistores en un procesador y SORPRESA! la ley se ha cumplido durante muchos años como si fuese una profecía.
En el próximo post veremos de que se trata el FAMOSO "Efecto Osborne"y su origen.
It seems odd with a an opening post asking whether we heard of the "Osborne Effect" or "The Streisand effect" that there was no explanation of either in the post.
@leprechaun If you have reason, in the post I explain that in the next post I would like to read it, I invite you to read it, thank you for leaving your comment.
@leprechaun If you have reason, in the post I explain that in the next post I would like to read it, I invite you to read it, thank you for leaving your comment.
Ah yes. That's it