Hello friends of $POB, Friends of $HIVE and all others,
here are the:
POB Statistics for the last week:
The timeframe is from 2021/12/17 - 2021/12/24.
Bought $POB By Time
This figure shows who has bought how many $POB at which time:
Top $POB Buyers and $HIVE Sellers
The inside of the circle shows the buyers of $POB, ordered by $HIVE they have spent. The outside shows the recipients of that $HIVE (sellers of $POB):
Commulated Amount Of Bought $POB Per Person
This figure shows the top 10 $POB buyers, how much they got and how much $HIVE they spend for this. It is sorted by $HIVE, that was spent:
Table Of Top 20 $POB Buyers
This table shows the top ten buyers of $POB sorted by the $HIVE, they have spent:
buyer.keyword: Descending | Sold $HIVE | Bought $POB | Avg. Price |
@trostparadox | 826.0818357733788 | 11801.169065965529 | 0.07000000029802322 |
@opidia | 341.2352079765136 | 4165.180013573978 | 0.08145339221048814 |
@gimme-your-coinz | 318.0411674448005 | 4483.957621416112 | 0.07115763892337544 |
@anadolu | 148.16638496256766 | 2023.0194484326028 | 0.07118948045330988 |
@wearechange-co | 50 | 625 | 0.07999999821186066 |
@flauwy | 41.227600285308654 | 577.2199997253483 | 0.07092500167588393 |
@v4vapid | 30.89452176913619 | 379.99999602138996 | 0.08081008155237544 |
@rentmoney | 23.321988359093666 | 333.0000044256449 | 0.07003600150346756 |
@jhelbich | 13.201839235308121 | 176.0245228337646 | 0.07500000298023224 |
@sbi-tokens | 13.120000123977661 | 160.00000095367432 | 0.0820000022649765 |
@scholaris.pob | 12.07787036895752 | 150.97337341308594 | 0.07999999821186066 |
@marketroll | 12.001833289861679 | 171.18575739860535 | 0.07011000066995621 |
@pixelfan | 10.958449887049369 | 146.5855068108558 | 0.07699814190467198 |
@rocknrolldm | 10.396331222727895 | 129.9999993443489 | 0.07992717962373387 |
@josevillanueva | 8.940634109079838 | 111.93966376781464 | 0.07505452260375023 |
@thecrevolution | 7.438797176671869 | 89.62838308658684 | 0.08299600332975388 |
@torran | 7.171752745587241 | 73.99999982577344 | 0.09676566471656163 |
@cageon360 | 7.010000109672546 | 100 | 0.07010000199079514 |
@ahmetay | 5.288995265960693 | 71.22011661529541 | 0.07265985012054443 |
@lxsxl | 4.169075906276703 | 50.8430118560791 | 0.08199899643659592 |
@other | 16.224598609481397 | 221.066483944467 | 0.0756724233574727 |
Commulated Amount Of Sold $POB Per Person
This figure shows the top 10 $POB Sellers, how much they sold and how much $HIVE they got for this, sorted by $HIVE:
Table Of Top 20 $POB Sellers
This table shows the top ten sellers of $POB Sorted by the $HIVE, they have got:
seller.keyword: Descending | Earned $HIVE | Sold $POB | Avg. Price |
@anadolu | 652.1483703759607 | 9155.176158774517 | 0.07868757742372426 |
@uwelang | 143.31828320105467 | 1747.7839370668748 | 0.0820000022649765 |
@sophiapics29 | 117.52676210552454 | 1496.7026834487915 | 0.07555645455916722 |
@pandaparker | 89.63793063163757 | 1280.3454608917236 | 0.07001554220914841 |
@clixmoney | 60.41657284647226 | 862.7421479225159 | 0.07004851045516822 |
@ahmetay | 46.64262115955353 | 605.236575126648 | 0.07677070889621973 |
@firstborn.pob | 35.27099941319153 | 458.54667359369637 | 0.07640000134706497 |
@espandor | 30.692340850830078 | 438.4620056152344 | 0.07000000029802322 |
@insight.pob | 26.001869797706604 | 342.8019976615906 | 0.0740484818816185 |
@hranhuk | 21.00014591217041 | 300.0000057220459 | 0.07000025734305382 |
@beemd | 19.13057073646916 | 243.52762453082167 | 0.08128789493015834 |
@acesontop | 18.107546895742416 | 249.0852370262146 | 0.07098990814252333 |
@iyiade | 16.8464208394289 | 228.6700024008751 | 0.07416986922423045 |
@vikbuddy | 16.457600116729736 | 195.38294219970703 | 0.0863656575481097 |
@coffeelovers | 15.139914005994797 | 208.36463165283203 | 0.07251360192894936 |
@liaminit1 | 15.042819023132324 | 185.71380615234375 | 0.08100000023841858 |
@lucylin | 14.39687728881836 | 205.38966369628906 | 0.07009899367888768 |
@clicmaster | 13.047539710998535 | 186.297607421875 | 0.07003600150346756 |
@beehivetrader | 12.05713176727295 | 172.19293212890625 | 0.07002106308937073 |
@blockheadgames | 12.021455645561218 | 148.38896369934082 | 0.0810131430625915 |
@other | 532.0651122971614 | 7331.201912678111 | 0.07304507895719771 |
Price of the $POB
This figure shows the price of $POB for the last period:
$POB Summarize Metrics
This table shows how much $HIVE was given by buy-requests, that where equal or higher than the sell order vs. sell-requests, that were equal or lower than the buy order.
If the buy-requests where higher than the sell-requests, then money comes into the system and the value of the token increases.
Under the total line one can see the sum of $HIVE and sum of $POB that changed the ownership and the average price of $POB for the last period.
The average price of the token in the picture is wrong, actually it was: 0.074 $HIVE/$POB
Comparison With Other Tokens
This figure shows the value of $HIVE compared to some token for the last period. Be aware of the nonlinear (root square) y-axes.
This figure shows the value of $USD compared to some token for the last period. Be aware of the nonlinear (root square) y-axes.
Table Of Token Prices in $HIVE and $USD
This table shows the average value of the prices of the token for the last period. One can see Hive and the US-Dollar compared to the token.
All stats are without warranty.
They are taken from:
curl -XPOST -H "Content-type: application/json" -d '{ "jsonrpc": "2.0", "method": "find", "params": { "contract": "market", "table": "tradesHistory", "query": { "symbol": "POB"}, "limit":1000, "offset": 0 }, "id": 1 }' 'https://api.hive-engine.com/rpc/contracts'
I have put them into logfiles and uploaded them to Kibana, from which I took the screenshots.
If you find errors, please tell me!
If you want me to continue the stats, give me some good upvotes ;-)
If you want to see other statistics (even from totaly other data), please contact me. I can create them weekly or monthly if I get some rewards for it.
For more details see here: How I Have Set Up Elasticsearch And Kibana On My Raspberry Pi To Monitor Token Activities and here: Do You Want To See Statistics Of Your Favorite HIVE Token? or on github.
Here are the stats from the other tokens I observe: https://peakd.com/@achimmertens/posts?filter=stats
Regards, Achim Mertens
OMG this is such a cool info post. I am 4.5 years on HIVE but I have never seen something in that detail. You you be interested in creating such content for the ONEUP community? I would be willing to throw massive upvotes at you!
I guess i am a pretty bad trader , got much less POB for much more Hive than others .
But hey , gotta love my POB ♥️
@jongolson would you mind getting in contact with @achimmertens, this could be something for the @engage1up posts. Or at least some sort on inspiration.
Wrong account, but the message stays the same. ;-)
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