I was living in a Carry On film but now it's morphed into Groundhog Day.
" Sir the plebs are waking up"
"Stick some of that dumbing down juice in their water, that oughta do it"
We fought all through the 90's to get rid of this stuff and succeeded mostly. I think this is why they wanted rid of the boomers because they remember all the other dupes and could see the game they are playing. Christine Massey started out with a website fighting fluoride which has now morphed into a website full of FOI's asking everybody and his cousin for proof of the covid virus.
Global warming was debunked so they gave us climate change. That was waning pre-convid but now is back with a new boost by cabin crazy kids. I wonder if they'll be quite so enthusiastic when the climate lockdowns are rolled out? The hashtag they use #FridaysForFuture converts to 666. F being the 6th letter of the alphabet.
Panic buying, petrol this time but that's just the start as food shortages are manipulated into being as well by the MSM.
This coming after they banned diesel engines in uk coz we all knew you could put a mix of kerosene and veg oil in them. Diesel prices also went down again after the ban.
Variants and more variants of a still not isolated 'virus'. Flumist season is upon us and no doubt the fallout from that will be the 'next big one' that Gates said would 'really get their attention'. He's trying to recreate the 'Spanish Flu' which was also a vaccine damage cover-up story.
They're throwing everything at us but the kitchen sink now.....
Buckle up.
Do some more research:
Who is really running this show?
Greta's links to ^ those who are really running this show.
The fluoride appeal turned virus hoax expose...
Lot's of people have been upping their vitamin C intake because of convid so will they try to cash in on the lack of tooth decay and pretend it is because of their chemical additive to the water? You bet.
The link between vitamin C deficiency and tooth decay (scurvy)
The world is nuts.
You just realised that?
Nz is 70% flouridated and they are about to make it 100%
HAVE you heard anything about graphine oxide being added to the water at the same time!
no but La Quinta Columna just announced it is in the rain in Spain
yeah it's in the chemtrails, and the injections, and also possibly the water and some foods
oh dear, is he serious? Did he get it? I called him a troll
yes 100% - and he is a troll...
ok, gave him benefit of the doubt but gonna unfollow then
He's a total pro injection believer, but he can be pretty funny because he's a real arse! I have followed and unfollowed and followed again, because variety is the spice of life
Nope got no time for twats, specially not utter twats. I even deleted my own daughter in law for having the V.
i don't usually - but occasionally they create a bit of action - i can't handle ernest long winded serious ones but real numpties can shoot themselves in the foot repeatedly
im just back after trying to get my head around pocketnet - so many tabs and browsers - social media is more confusing than crypto trading!