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RE: Round and round we go

I guess that is why it was one in three affected by anaphylaxis in the original experiments, yes obviously there are always multiple factors. Another factor is what people do when they feel sick, do they take to bed and 'sweat it out' like you said before or do they run to the hospital and let them add more bullets to the gun. Most people who run to doctors fair worst from what I see.

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In the end it's how one sticks to his life and makes death a taboo. Death is a taboo for a very long time, as it seems.

Now sickness is a taboo as well, or let's say certain illnesses are being tabooed. "You shall not get them", seems to be the message. For me, it's like wanting to stopp tears. When you stop crying, it will affect the ability to laugh. "Stop crying!", is something I heard as a child. It's a ridiculous demand, in the same way one could say to stop laughing or sweating oder using the bathroom. Or stopping to let your hair grow and your lungs breathe. Hair grows by itself, lung breathes without one being able to not make it so. Just try and hold your breath! :D LOL

... I was not ready for this happening. I detest it to be held for not only weeks and months into this state but, as it seems, for years, or worse: open end. I wonder, how my family and my mom made it through all those years of suffering. I sometimes asked myself if this destiny would be spared for me or not. Not saying that I have an identical one but I inherited my families fears and history. It takes more than one generation to heal from war and terror.

We will see, time will tell.

Time always tells in the end I guess. Every generation seems to have it's test. Life has been pretty fun up till now so I guess this is the big test for me. I spose if life was always amazing and fun we'd not appreciate the good times as much without the bad.

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