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RE: Looking Closer at Critical (and Race) Theory

in Proof of Brain4 years ago

I’m half asleep
Sorry for not being very helpful. I will do some digging in AM for some sources that make this point better. I just get from ur original reply ur not interested in this. Ur minds made up. If not I’m happy to forward more sources tomorrow. Honestly not trying to sound like a jerk. I wish I used a different word then triggered. It’s all respect for anyone in the hive family. I know it’s intense topic these days. I only sound so bold pushing back because it really wasn’t about what u first got out of it


No stress my friend, I'm not triggered I'm not American. But to denounce racism exists is rewriting history. It is a very real thing.

I'm just not familiar with CRT so my point was in confusion as I didn't know where this post was going. From a glance CRT looks divisional but I don't know anything about it.

That’s where we missed it Eacy other points. Dig into CRT. I understand why u took it differently without knowing the background on it. Hit me back if I want any sources to check out. Cheers 🍻