in Proof of Brain4 years ago


Yes we all have the right to do whatever we want with our POB no doubt about that, but the question is what do you do with your POB ?
But before you answer the question, have you ever asked yourself why you are in this community ?
I strongly believe that the major reason why we are here is to make money, I mean more money.

There are two categories of people in this community

  1. Those that wants to make money
  2. Those that wants to make more money

To those that actually wants to make money, i think the best thing to do is to follow the steps of those that wants to make more money.
Those that are willing to make more money focus major on staking their POB.
Since all you want is to make money, why on earth will you earn POB and just decide not to stake your POB ?
Leaving your POB unstaked is totally unreasonable if you really wants to make money.
If you are able to gather little amount of POB in this community just buy posting content and all you do is sell them without staking any, trust you’re not making money.
You only make money when you stake your POB and get rewards on it.
Imagine yourself making 20 POBs everyday without posting any content just by staking 5,000 POB, isn’t that amazing ?
Though I don’t really know the actual amount of POB you will get by staking 5,000 POB but I think it should be around 20POBs or even more everyday compare to when you decide not to stake it or selling it at cheaper rate.
If you don’t have money, your aim should be on how to get money, so after getting the money the next step should be getting more money not spending the little you have.
And investing your money in POB is one of the best investment anybody in his or her normal senses can dive into with panicking because you are not giving your money out to anyone, you control your money yourself and you can withdraw it anytime you feel like withdrawing it.
So leaving your POB in your wallet without staking is not the best, stake your POB today and make more money.

Thank you

Posted via proofofbrain.io


I don't get anything for staking my POB other than the ability to give more to others through my upvotes and to earn more through curation. If you put Hive into savings, you get a 10% ROI (I read in another post). I don't do that either. I stake my Hive so I can lease it to other people. I do like the sentiment in your post...basically, if you're leaving your POB sitting as regular POB, and you have no plan of using it, stake it...I suggested to someone else today that they should at least stake a portion of what they get. For instance, right now, as of this writing, you have 90 POB as your reward. You'll get half that and the curators will get the other half. onealfa was your biggest upvote and he's an anomaly. It's good that he's manually curating content to spread the growth and strength of the platform. This is why I'll upvote you as well. I hope to see new content coming from you that has nothing to do with crypto... (because I think this space needs to grow past a group of people only talking about crypto all the time). ;) God bless

Posted via proofofbrain.io

Thank you 🙏

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I really wish to stake pob but I hardly earn pob from this community.
So I don't have enough pob to stake

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Stake the little you have, trust me it will grow

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Why do you not think you're earning?

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Yeah, I know. I have chosen not to stake all of my earnings right now to support some contests on POB. I think it is good for the community.

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i would like you to kindly join my pob chat room, we really need you there.

what do we need from you?

we need you to reward members with good comments.

we need you to contribute on some questions we find difficult to answer.

we want to help both new and old members and bring in more people thanks

Posted via proofofbrain.io

Chat room? I read something about that, what's it about? Want me to create one on discord?

Posted via proofofbrain.io


i mean this sir where we can discuss about pob and it future, we have alot of un-answered questions about pob

check out yesterday chat from the people if you find it interesting


ok. It's pretty interesting. I'll join in the fun.

you are welcome sir, happy to see people like you anticipating

I’ve learnt a lot from the contest. So I say a very big thank you to you and to those that has been supporting the project

Posted via proofofbrain.io

Though I don’t really know the actual amount of POB you will get by staking 5,000 POB but I think it should be around 20POBs or even more every day compared to when you decide not to stake it or selling it at a cheaper rate.

Postings and curation along with stake determine your daily earnings. Just having a stake does nothing if you do nothing with it. If you want role models, here are two: @wiseagent and @onealfa. Watch the content of wise agent's posts and definitely watch onealfa's curation. His curation pattern is legit.

  • Take a look at the contests on Hive or POB, and pay attention to the engagement.
  • Take a look at the people who engage.
  • And for heaven's sake, don't plagiarize willingly or not.
  • Post consistently (in a regular pattern)
  • Engage with the community consistently

People will remember you and eventually, you gain a following that trusts the content you put out. It's what I do now and it's working. I mean, it's working slowly, but it's working. There's no get rich quick on Hive. Slow and steady wins the race.

Posted via proofofbrain.io

To my own point of view am not only here to make money but to acquire more knowledge In this community which is learning from others because know man is an island.

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This community has a lot of advantages aside from making money, and that’s why we should never give up

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What we do with our earnings is very important, people with different money management strategy

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Thanks for this post, can you teach me how to stake POB.

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So far, I'm staking almost everything.

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I used to stake everything until recently. Then I started using my earnings towards contests to raise engagement. It seems to be working to a degree.

that is the ideal, staking all reward, unfortunately I should share 50% reward for cashing out. I need the money...

Posted via proofofbrain.io

Nicely stated bro...


if you're leaving your POB sitting as regular POB, and you have no plan of using it, stake it...I suggested to someone else today that they should at least stake a portion of what they get

This is how it should be, some people leave their pop sitting without plans, months and days counts and nothing is earned, u think the best is to stake it..

Posted via proofofbrain.io

@merit.ahama said something about staking too.

It's a good idea I think.

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I strongly agreed with your word leaving pob unstake does not bring any value to either you nor the community

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