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RE: Am I on Proof of Brain for love or for being in my comfort zone?

in Proof of Brain3 years ago (edited)

I understand your feelings, and in many ways I share them.

This is a comfortable community of like-minded people who believe in a decentralized network with equal distribution of rewards available to everyone according to their abilities and contributions.
And it has tremendous internal potential, which is increasing every day.

And I agree with @mineopoly that the big difficulty is that there is no main leader who would unite, guide and develop the community not only internally, but also actively promote it externally. And I think that @proofofbrain won't be, no matter how much he is asked, because it seems to me that he took the same position as Satoshi Nakamoto did with bitcoin - "I gave you an opportunity, and you, as a decentralized society, together do what you want with it".

And if inside the community active and competent participants can still create some movement and development, then there is simply no one to deal with the development of the project outside the community. This requires some special knowledge of advertising, marketing, PR, etc. specifically in the cryptocurrency industry.
It is necessary to attract and motivate such specialists, and by combining visions and efforts to develop the project together.

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