Shiso or Perilla frutescens (Perilla frutescens), this plant is a natural antihistamine

in Proof of Brain4 years ago

Shiso or Perilla frutescens (Perilla frutescens), this plant is a natural antihistamine / Shiso o Perilla frutescens (Perilla frutescens), esta planta es antihistamínico natural

Shiso or Perilla frutescens (Perilla frutescens) presented by Josep Pàmies

Some years ago my wife and I had the opportunity to meet Josep Pàmies when he first came to South America. For those who do not know him, he is a traditional farmer; born in Balaguer, Spain in 1948. Josep tells us that his is the story of a conventional farmer who one day discovered that he was being deceived. He began to investigate and has not stopped until today, he left conventional agriculture to dedicate himself to organic. It will always be that old man who in my family encouraged knowing more medicinal plants every day.

On the day of Josep Pàmies' presentation and my phone's camera was a disaster, LOL / El día de la presentación de Josep Pàmies y la cámara de mi teléfono era un desastre, LOL

Algunos años atrás mi esposa y yo tuvimos la oportunidad de conocer a Josep Pàmies cuando vino por primera vez a sudamérica. Para quienes no lo conocen es un agricultor de tradición; nacido en Balaguer, España en 1948. Josep nos cuenta que la suya es la historia de un agricultor convencional que un día descubrió que lo estaban engañando. Se puso a investigar y no ha parado hasta el día de hoy, dejó la agricultura convencional para dedicarse a la orgánica. Siempre será aquel viejito que en mi familia incentivó el conocer cada día más plantas medicinales.

Plants are medicine from every point of view; its shape, cultivating them, watching them grow every day, the smell, the taste and of course the specific characteristics of each one that can soothe ailments. Today I come to talk to you for the first time about a plant, they have been an important part of my life since I was little and well I will share this knowledge with you little by little.

Las plantas son medicina desde cualquier punto de vista; su forma, el cultivarlas, verlas crecer cada día, el olor, el sabor y por supuesto las características específicas de cada una que nos pueden calmar dolencias. Hoy vengo a hablarles por primera vez de una planta, ellas son parte importante de mi vida desde pequeña y bueno les compartiré este conocimiento de poco a poco.

The perilla or shiso is an annual plant of the mint family, it attracts a lot of attention for its characteristic reddish color. It has slightly rounded and serrated leaves very similar to the nettle. The leaves of this plant are consumed mainly in Chinese and Japanese restaurants. In Japan it is where they call it shiso, they use it to accompany sushi and sashimi. One thinks that it is to give flavor, but they also use it to avoid allergy problems and because of the anisakis. Anisakis is a parasite of the genus nematodes, and its life cycle affects fish and marine mammals; in humans it can affect producing a severe anaphylactic reaction.

La perilla o shiso es una planta anual de la familia de las mentas, llama bastante la atención por su color rojizo característico. Tiene las hojas ligeramente redondeadas y aserradas muy similares a la ortiga. Las hojas de esta planta son consumidas principalmente en restaurantes chinos y japoneses. En Japón es dónde la denominan shiso, lo usan para acompañar el sushi y el sashimi. Uno piensa que es para dar sabor, pero la utilizan además para evitar problemas de alergias y por el anisakis. El anisakis es un parásito del género nematodos, y su ciclo vital afecta a los peces y a los mamíferos marinos; en el ser humano puede afectar produciendo una reacción anafiláctica grave.

Josep Pàmies tells us about his experiences with this plant; In his research he discovers that it has anti-cancer and anti-inflammatory properties, it is very rich in fatty acids and omega 3. On the Dulce REvolución website you can find testimonials from people who kindly share their personal cases with us. A biologist friend of his tells him that in the past the oil of this plant could be purchased in herbalists and dietetic centers. Many naturopaths prescribed it as an antihistamine remedy.

Shiso or Perilla frutescens (Perilla frutescens) presented by Josep Pàmies

Josep Pàmies nos cuenta sobre sus experiencias con esta planta; en sus investigaciones descubre que tiene propiedades anticancerígenas y antinflamatorias, es muy rica en ácidos grasos y omega 3. En la web de Dulce REvolución se pueden encontrar testimonios de personas que amablemente nos comparten sus casos personales. Un biólogo amigo de él le comenta que antiguamente el aceite de esta planta se podía adquirir en herbolarios y centros de dietética. Muchos naturópatas lo recetaban como remedio antihistamínico.

When we read in his book "A Sweet Revolution", the life stories of each person whose life has been saved by a plant. This is how 4 years ago my wife and I met the CDS and Andreas Kalcker, but that is another story. According to different people who have been treated with this wonderful plant tell us because with a couple of leaves it is enough to remove allergies, allergic asthma, atopic dermatitis, itching, even people who could not eat shellfish and thanks to the Perilla frutescens, have been able to ingest them again. Not only can we eat its leaves, a boy also tells us who healed his outbreaks of chronic allergies with stevia and perilla infusions daily. He tells us that he adds a tablespoon of dried stevia leaf and a perilla in a liter of water and brings it to a boil. Let cool and have a glass in the morning on an empty stomach, and another in the afternoon.

We bought the book at presentation

Cuando leemos en su libro "Una dulce revolución", las historias de vida de cada persona que le ha salvado la vida una planta. Así fue cómo hace 4 años mi esposa y yo conocimos el CDS y a Andreas Kalcker, pero esa ya es otra historia. Total que según nos cuentan diferentes personas que han sido tratadas con esta maravillosa planta pues con un par de hojas basta para quitar las alergias, asma alérgica, dermatitis atópica, , los picores, incluso personas que no podían comer mariscos y gracias a la Perilla frutescens, han podido ingerirlos nuevamente. No sólo podemos comer sus hojas, también nos cuenta un chico que sanó sus brotes de alergias crónicas, con infusiones de estevia y perilla a diario. Nos comenta que añade una cucharada sopera de hoja de estevia seca y una de perilla en un litro de agua y lo hace hervir. Deja enfriar y toma un vaso por la mañana en ayunas, y otro en la tarde.

Perilla frutescens is a wonderful plant to have around, its oil is still prohibited in Spain as Josep Pàmies tells us, so they sell the plant and its leaves and thus maintain a wonderful living plant.

«Pulmón», Serie (El Jardín Mágico). Yolanda Martínez, 2017. Impresión Giclée sobre papel Hahnemühle Photo Rag 308.

Perilla frutescens es una maravillosa planta para tener cerca, su aceite sigue siendo prohibido en España como nos cuenta Josep Pàmies, entonces ellos venden la planta y sus hojas y con ello mantienen una maravilla de planta viva.

Pàmies' work is wonderful and we as a family owe him a lot, because that way we did not lose that knowledge of the grandmothers and we have a way of communicating with our body and our environment. I will dedicate a space for all those little plants that we love around our house, the next one will be a wonder of Cuba, it even has a song. Although I am nothing more than a total curious, all the material that I present here is based on studies, research and personal experience.

La labor de Pàmies es maravillosa y nosotras como familia le debemos mucho, porque así no perdimos aquel saber de las abuelas y tenemos una forma de comunicarnos con nuestro cuerpo y nuestro medio ambiente. Dedicaré un espacio para todas esas plantitas que amamos por nuestra casa, la próxima será una maravilla de Cuba, tiene hasta una canción. Si bien no soy más que una curiosa total, todo el material que les presento acá es basado en estudios, investigaciones y experiencia personal.

leaves hugs / les deja abrazos @alfarero

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Your post is reblogged and upvoted by me. It is a good post. Thank you @alfarero

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A pleasure to be able to contribute to our community growing. thanks for sharing my post.

After knowing the characteristics of this plant I researched whether it's found in my country Pakistan or not and thankfully it's being cultivated here. I suppose I will add this plant to my garden; maybe the mint plant gets the company of a family member hehe.

Plants are a gift from creation. I'm glad I can contribute to your garden. I hope you share a photo already planted. Hug

The plant definitely sounds interesting from the way you present it. My boy has been suffering from this cough which I strongly feels is a reaction to something in my apartment. I am still trying to observe what it could be. This plant could probably come in handy for me right now because all options seem to have been exhausted. I will appreciate if you can get me the scientific name of the plant, perhaps it can be found around here.

Perilla frutescens is the scientific name. This plant is a marvilla. You can conduct your own research at:

The plant definitely sounds interesting from the way you present it. My boy has been suffering from this cough which I strongly feels is a reaction to something in my apartment. I am still trying to observe what it could be. This plant could probably come in handy for me right now because all options seem to have been exhausted. I will appreciate if you can get me the scientific name of the plant, perhaps it can be found around here.