Oh. My. God, Ayesha. The design is soooo thoughtful. Ism so impressed with the thought process behind the design. You said sometimes things happen for no reasons but see you have reason for every single thing you induced in the design.
Brown colours is sweet. There is no doubt. As a chocolate lover I know this. Hehe.
Dreemie is always there with a message to give value to yourself. I am not amazed by what she said you on the beach.
Within this post her name is hidden ( in my creation).
Who doesn’t know her name. She is the only one of her kind. May God bless her.
Keep up your amazing work, SIS (And I am not saying sis to everyone 🤣 )
Don't you think the brown colour in Dreemport is indicating chocolate or Nutella 😁
She told me everything which I wanted to be advised🤭 and you discovered her name 🤭 we became skilful in solving puzzles, she is also credited for this.
Hehe, Amber, I have been saying Bro as it solved many of my problems 🤭
!LUV you sis💓
(1/1) sent you LUV.
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