Engagement Project Dividends report - POB : 188% , LEO : 19% , DUNK:98% .

in Proof of Brain4 years ago

Good evening to everyone . It is Sunday and I am here to report the delegators dividends for the Engagement project .

image.pngImage Source

Coming to the report


AccountAmount DelegatedPercentageDividends


AccountAmount DelegatedPercentageDividends


AccountAmount DelegatedPercentageDividends


AccountAmount DelegatedPercentageDividends in CTP


AccountAmount DelegatedPercentageDividends in STEM


AccountAmount DelegatedPercentageDividends


AccountAmount DelegatedPercentageDividends

APR calculation

POB - 188.1 %
WEED - 3.89 %
LEO - 19 %
CTP - 27.39 %
STEM - 4.35 %
SPORTS - 30.3 %
DUNK - 98.26 %

How to participate ?

You don't have to register or anything . All you have to do is comment from these frontends

https://ctptalk.com - to get CTP upvotes https://sportstalksocial.com - to get SPORTS upvotes https://leofinance.io - to get LEO upvotes https://stemgeeks.net - to get STEM upvotes https://weedcash.network - to get WEED upvotes https://proofofbrain.io - to get POB upvotes https://dunksocial.io/ - to get DUNK upvotes

Remember that you have to comment from these frontends itself , why? to increase the traffic for the site and improve the rankings of the site . ( Believe me , it works , look at SportsTalkSocial alexa rankings ) .

But will everyone get upvoted ?

No , only the top 25 engagers will get upvotes( In case of POB it is top 60 engagers) , they will be ranked everyday based on quality of comments , number of authors they have spoken to etc .

But as I mentioned before the competition is less on sportstalksocial , stemgeeks and ctptalk to some extent so don't miss this opportunity to earn these tokens .

The ranks are uploaded along with the data on https://hivelayers-stats.herokuapp.com everyday . Just go to community page ( choose this in left top ) .

How can you support?

Delegate , spread the word , engage on different frontends , reblog this .

Delegation accounts -

LEO - @amr008.leo CTP - @amr008.ctp STEM - @amr008.stem SPORTS - @amr008.sports WEED - @amr008.weed POB - @amr008.pob DUNK - @amr008.dunk

Note-DUNK APR will increase next week , why ?

Right now APR is 98% for DUNK but it is calculated for 18 days . The first 7 days we didn't receive any rewards obviously so rewards / 18 days gives less APR . So next week the APR should increase.


Posted via proofofbrain.io


I just bought dunk and delegated it to you

so apr for dunk will increase how much would that be

Excellent returns. Keep up the hard work. We really appreciate it.

Is it just me who is having glitches with POB wallet?
Like it takes a lot of refresh and clicks to claim the rewards?
Vote is also slow to give on POB interface. Not sure what could be the issue from their end or my end?

Posted via proofofbrain.io

Thank you for this analysis, I can see a lot of changes in the analysis and participants are doing well to invest in the platform.

Is also nice seeing dunk on the analysis,well I don't know what I'm waiting for I am going ahead to delegate my dunk value.

Posted via proofofbrain.io

Great job, Thanks for the dividends.

Thanks for the dividends. I was wondering where the DUNK was last week but I guess we didn't get any payouts then so it was skipped.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Great job as alway, bro!

Good to see DUNK doing well!

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

I just discovered what dunk is

I also wish to delegate to you but I don't have enough pob,leo,sport.
I will do anything to be part of your family

Posted via proofofbrain.io

Dunk seems to be the name of the new game now. However, there is still way to go for Dunk as the liquidity on the market is quite low.

Posted via proofofbrain.io

This is pretty cool, I'll have to figure out how to delegate some tokens!

I want to delegate X sp to @user

I want to delegate 100 sp to @amr008
Hi @bigtakosensei! I`m here to help :) If you want to delegate, please make a comment (for example replay to this one) like this:Where X is the amount of SP and @user is the steem user you want to delegate to. For example:@tipU will answer with a delegation link. Hope this helps!:)

Thanks again for the great returns. I'm glad I delegated a big chunk of my DUNK in addition to the other ones, that was such a waste to let them sit in my wallet as I don't spend enough curating every day. I just increased all my delegations. Small amounts, but step by step...
Keep it up!

Dividend received. Thanks

Posted via proofofbrain.io

Thanks for the analysis, alot I must say is going on in this community which am not aware, wow, thanks for this information, I will sit up ASAP

Posted via proofofbrain.io

Thanks for the heads-up 😊

Posted via proofofbrain.io

Fantastic analysis. the most reason why i delegate my boss to @amr008 is because of your timely feedback and ROI which usually comes at the right time.

though the result is fantastic but i feel it can be better than this

Posted via proofofbrain.io

Awesome returns. Glad to see Dunk come close to POB in terms of Apr. Thanks for the dividends. Keep up the amazing job.

Posted via proofofbrain.io

Always following up with an excellent job, thanks @amr008. I admire this organization and clarity!

Posted via proofofbrain.io

Forgive my question, but that is what you earn by voting or is it what the users earn, the truth is that I am not very clear about it