I started the 30 day blogging challenge a couple of weeks ago. The second prompt for the second day was/is “Favourite Quote”. Upon finding myself stumped, I could have skipped the prompt and moved on to the next but I didn’t want to.
A few days ago @wiseagent shared a positive review of a book by T. Harv Eker titled “Secrets of the Millionaire Mind: Mastering the Inner Game of Wealth” Read and vote the post here: https://www.proofofbrain.io/hive-180164/@wiseagent/book-review-secrets-of-the-millionaire-mind-mastering-the-inner-game-of-wealth-2005#@wiseagent
In the publication, Wiseagent said “There is a thought that I like a lot: "Money... You either control it, or it controls you". is my favourite quote. For most people, money has controlled their entire lives. Since the day we ask for a gum ball from a candy machine, controlled. It doesn’t make a difference if we are broke, comfortable, or well off, the narcissistic dollar bleeds and bruises our souls. We have no control. It’s common knowledge that state of wealth doesn’t solve everything, but that comfort breads joy. Yet, when money has control over us, joy slowly drips fast evaporating droplets that dehydrate our joy and soul. Like sun blistered mad men lost in deserts of our lives, every delusional stagger is motivated towards another drop of financial joy. And that there is why almost all people chase joy but cannot find happiness. That’s why no matter the gains upon gains, even in great wealth, the key to happiness isn’t a surprise found in the cereal box. Because, remarkable success is varnished with the violent bloody abuse that money beats us with when relinquish control. Money... you either control it or it controls you. © 2001 Ana ClarkAnd there it was; the reason that I did not skip the second prompt in the #BloggingChallenge. The quote that I unknowingly left a spiritual door open for.
Money... you either control it or it controls you
Photo: Live Richer @gobankingrates on Unsplash
There's a similar quote that those who don't control the world are left to be controlled by it. I like these two quotes because they remind me that we have the power to control our circumstances.
We do have the power to control our circumstances. I agree. And the minute we let go of the steering wheel someone Else will do the driving. Don’t let go!
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Money truly doesn't give one happiness. it can give you joy or even an euphoria for a moment but that happiness is not embedded in having money. some say money answers all thing, and that's why we are stuck in this rat race and chase for wealth, even already made billionaires are not left out in the constant chase for this money which started as a means of legal tender instead of the usual trade by barter.
But i beg to differ a little, in my little experience in life, i have come to realize that money do not give you that desired happiness. if it does then billionaires would be the most happiest on earth but the reverse is the case. we see billionaires multi millionaires die of depression, heart heart as a result of continuous thinking leading to high blood pressure while on the contrary you see an extremely poor man with genuine happiness on daily basis and being grateful to God for the gift of life.
In my own opinion the whole rat race for money is not worth it honestly. some lose their humanity because they want to make this money while others lose their lives in the process which makes no sense to me at all. can we all just hit the reset button and start afresh?
I will sign your reset petition.
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Sadly we live in a society where many people have allowed money to control their emotions thereby making them engage in wrong activities just because they want to earn money.