If you believe in you, that's enough for you

It all starts with a little fear, so take a chance, after all, what do we take from this life? Nothing we've acquired on this earth, just what we live every day.


That's why it's important to moderate our life, so that we let go of everything that doesn't make us happy, life is so short to live and do things that don't add value.

Do good without expecting anything in return;
If love, love;
See life always positively;
Help your neighbor;
Do your best;
Do only what gives you pleasure;
Have dreams, but fulfill them;
Practice kindness;

And live each moment intensely...

This is living, and believe me, life always pays back, everything you do comes back to you. Remember to practice kindness that is fundamental in humanity today.

Don't expect someone to trust you, understand that the only thing that is enough for you is for you to learn to believe in yourself.

Change for you, do everything for you!

Be proud of yourself, because you are someone special to yourself and someone else. Believe !

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Do good without expecting anything in return

You will never realise what you will got if you can do it everyday.
great things might happen to yourself

Yes... if we believe in us and fight we will certainly reach the top.

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Their is nothing as powerful as having this believe in yourself in life,to me it as a way of giving you victory in all things.

I do tell people,even though am new here,,I let people know that victory or success start from every individual heart same thing as failure too, one's you believe you can,you will and vice versa

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If we don't believe in ourselves, who will?

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Fear and failure won't bring any good thing to us at all in life and that is why we just have to be very optimistic with whatever we are doing ,with the hope of achieving great results at the end.

Once you loose this believe in yourself ,you will also lose confidence too

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We are here alive, and why give up if we can win... we have to be optimistic and believe that we are capable and do what we have to do.

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When you believe in yourself it make people to respect you the more and also make you to become independent

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having independence is everything

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Great word from you once again their is nothing like being urself and never allow anyone to confuse us

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We have to believe in ourselves and never be molded by other people.

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In fact believing in who u are is enough because it give more courage

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Believing in oneself gives that self the strength to succeed

It's the foundation of the beginning, when we believe we're capable, we go out there and make it happen.

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Mountain are moved when we have the courage that we can move them ,even before getting close to them,so once you believe you can get a certain thing in life, surely you will get it also

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Yes... if we believe then we will go back until we make things happen... believing is still the first step to be taken.

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It pays to do good. We are show kindness but most importantly to believe in ourselves

Everything we do comes back to ourselves...

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The most powerful thing we can do for ourselves is believing in our capabilities and showing love to mind. It's fulfilling and makes our life worth living

Our life demands that we believe in our ability

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Indeed we are to believe in ourselves and make the world a better place by showing love and kindness to people around us

True... we must make a better world for ourselves and for others...

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Hello dear, How are you doing?
A nice productive post, Insights thoughts. Working on oneself and bringing the best version of us, will ultimately bring good in society and people around us. Always try to make yourself happy and better each and everyday. Have a good day 😊🙏. !PIZZA

Hi .. everything great with me .. and it's good to see you here, you're always welcome.

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When you take away fear and believe in yourself it make u to develop more confident

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Yes... we have to trust that we are capable

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