Life is every man for himself

We always seek support from other people, but only in times of difficulty do we understand that it's everyone for themselves, because each person needs to solve their own problems, that's when you have goals.


In times of difficulties when you discover who is not on your side, if someone really supports you or helps you, you may believe that it is profit, in fact you will be so lucky.

We are usually abandoned in times of difficulty, no one wants to support much less help, but in fact it is your action in the face of obstacles that makes all the difference.

Nobody needs support, let alone third-party approval...

Even worse is when you have nothing to offer the other, nobody cares, most just approach in falsehood wanting to take advantage of what you have, that's the reality.

But we must learn to appreciate every detail, every moment, because it is in difficulties that great ideas and a new awakening of vision arise.

Do your part...

The secret is not to be thinking or waiting on who will have support or even dissupport, this is irrelevant. Just do your part and make it happen!

May these words become the rule "

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In fact depending on people is not really a good thing because when their disappoint you it will be so painful

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It's true... But we have to understand that it was our own fault, for wanting to depend on the other.

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All u need to know is yourself alone and hoping on a man that can loss their lives at any time...all we need to do is to have believe in ourselves and put all trust in God that is able to do all things

God can do everything, since we humans are limited.

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This is one truth I realized long time ago to always depend on myself and expect nothing from anyone. This has greatly helped me plan my life and anticipate certain circumstances

The worst thing there is is that you depend on the other and the other doesn't care for you... We have to plan, chase things for them to happen.

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I believe that is just the best thing to do and surely one will not be disappointed

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True independence comes when you do not depend psychologically on anyone

Oops, this is surreal... psychological dependence is something complicated, see... sometimes when we see we are psychologically depending on each other and we get screwed because to get out is not easy.

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True word from you.. putting more trust in someone always end up in failure and disappointment...

All we need to do is to trust God because he is the only man that can never fail us

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Every human being has a humanity and people try to conquer themselves with that humanity

People try their best to make their life a success. Many people try to do it right and many people try to get it right.

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Whether we like it or not, we depend on the other, but we risk our whole lives when we create expectations and they are not met.

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Understand that every step of life has to be taken because there is no point in risking one's life because of some beautiful wrong decisions, so we need to think about every step of the way.

Definitely mate, their is one word that they do say here in country here,which is "on your own"

This means that we are all responsible for whatever happens to us and that is why I also believe that we are look like our decision in life.

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Certainly, we are responsible for our lives, because we are the ones who have to make the decisions, putting our lives in the hands of others is not the right thing to do.

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Life is a journey one must learn to take alone. We must be proactive at every situation. At the end of day, we carry our cross alone

That's right... we must walk our life without creating expectations in the other.

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Living life with this mentality helps for great survival. One must learn to take care of what life throws by doing our part and not relying on others

Waiting for the other is most of the time just a waste of time.

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When u have believed in yourself it make people to restpect u the more

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Well said, if we believe we are capable and take action to make things happen, people really respect us.

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