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RE: POB Top 50 through September

Looks like those top 2 accounts need to delegate some stake to random people to help with the distribution.
The more it concentrates to them the less attractive it becomes as a coin overall, imo.


They follow a trail of curation
I do delegate .Those are @richardcrill accounts and @pob-vyb accounts

I think the coin will do better with a wider distribution.
At some point, buying in will not make sense as the top accounts will blow out the math.
The broader the distribution the better, iyam.

oh you mean we should hodl so many ? You do know there are 5 M coins + we dont own that much ...

I'm saying the top 100 accounts should be approximately the same in power.
IF you want to avoid concentration of power at the top.

We have all been raised to expect the pyramid, but that isn't how the new rules will play out.
Nobody wants a boss sending them arbitrary edicts, imo.

So, delegating to people lets them spread the coin rather than the central power.
As long as they don't only vote the big accounts, the coin spreads farther, faster.

I see , i have no idea who pob curator vote for
But i delegated all my coins


I had small users in mind, it may serve better for you to vote your own stake than concentrate it in the hands of the platform.
Until those moar users get here it is not critical either way.

lol, that's pretty socialist sounding for someone with your handle. If you wan't as much POB as me buy moar. Otherwise, cry harder.

Posted using Proof of Brain

Look, all I'm saying is that if buying your coin sets you up as the new rothchilds because you hold a large percentage of the total, it's unlikely to happen.
Why wouldn't they make their own and put their time, energy, and money into that instead?

Don't take it wrong, nor personal.
I hold pob, too.
I'll be happy to trade it when the volume is large enough to match my needs.

But, I think the same thing holds back all the other coins, too.
Trillions of dollars are not coming from the current powers that be to make us the new powers that be.
That isn't how power/money works.

~1/3 of the coin is in the top 2 hands.
That is ok while we are early, but I don't see a distribution that centralized continuing to soar.
The same applies to hive.
The more concentrated the power, the less attractive the coin, imo.
Nobody is going to buy into a project where they have no chance of being #10, let alone #1.
Setting up the new rothschild dynasty is part of what is holding back broader adoption.

Vyb-pob is delegation account pob curator also
And i know there only 5.5M coin for pob ( if i am not mistaken )
It still plenty left for others ....price is actually going down and not many people are buying , no one stops them , a 3cent coin .
I would say , utility would be more important than this POS effect .I totally agree but @richardcrill owns 450k or so

You are mistaken, there are 21M coins. The initial settins were changed to match Bitcoins exactly based on @leprechaun's recommendations. The key in my mind is that the circulating supply will never grow as fast as it is in these first 4 years before the first halving.

Posted using Proof of Brain

Yes 21M created , 5M in circulation
Oh so the initial setting was changed , that is why many sold the coin and called it shitcoin with no utility ... but 21M is not much
I like POB and it is one coin who brings me good %

Moar users is the priority for me.
More users solves most of our problems.

But they dont hold it ..they curate ...delegation is just giving it to someone else to curate for you ...what more can be done ?

Ah no ..