Is earning money too easy?

in Proof of Brain3 years ago

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Is earning money too easy task? What do you think about it? The answer is not so complicated but also not so easy. Everything good demands great sacrifice or hard work. If you get something huge by small effort, their must be some wrong. Because every transformation tends to equality. An unequal transformation of anything is so unstable.

My answer about the question is negative. I think money is tha most vital and important thing in this world. Everything depends on money directly or indirectly. Can you show me anything without matters related to soul and mind that doesn't depend on money? I think it is impossible to show such. Hence it is very clear that money is the most important thing in our life. Now how can you think that the most important thing won't demand huge? So if you think that you can earn a lot of money without huge effort then you are in a fools paradise.

But there are money general people who don't want to understand this truth. If they see some attractive advertisement of earning huge money with less effort, they go there and have to face a big loss at the end. Here in Bangladesh, this type of occurances are noticeably increasing day by day. There were many company like destiny, evaly, eorange, Sirajganjshop, alesha and so on, who offers a small investment in their company from customers, promising that they will give a huge profit after a certain period. Obviously there are some conditions too. Seeing this attractive advertisement, many people invest their money and at the end face a huge loss. This is shocking.

I don't know how people can be so greedy or fool. They again and over again go through such way and face loss. I really hate such guys who don't take lessons from previous issue. Anyway I want to tell you if you see you are getting huge profit or benfit from small effort, then think over and over again about that. Thanks.