Make Things Simple For Everyone To Understand! 🧠

What I've noticed on Proof of Brain (and Hive) is that for official statements, words are used that aren't easy to understand if English is your second/third/fourth/fifth language. And this needs to be addressed.

Announcement of My Intent to File a Future Proposal Regarding ‘Rules for Downvoting’ in the Proof-of-Brain Tribe post, I realized that for a lot of people the wording could be difficult to understand and things could get lost in translation.
(I think the proposal is a great idea and I can't wait to support it because it is very much needed!)Whilst I was reading @trostparadox's

Analysis, Adapt & Evolve! POB Is Constantly Shapeshifting .png

We are all here from different parts of the world and accessibility is very important for this place to becoming better.

Accessibility in a way that is open for everyone to use and understand.

Using words that others are not familiar with can lead to misunderstanding, miscommunication and isn't providing a space that is accessible.

What may seem very understandable to one person, can be very confusing for another. So as a community, I think it is important to take this into consideration when writing official statements and proposals.


Perhaps we can start by defining 'bigger' words before we use them into our text.

For example :


  • Using someone else's words or images as if they were your own.

That's understandable right?

I believe that small and simple changes can really benefit the community as a whole and will provide a platform that is hopefully trying to be accessible and inclusive to all.

I'd love to hear your thoughts on this topic and of ways we can be accessible and inclusive.
Please tell me what ideas you have because we are in this together and there could be blind spots to this that I (or others) don't see and you do!

Over and out,



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It's believed that most people in here are brainers, we should be smart enough to understand every post😊.
However I strongly agree with u Ashley.
It's important to carry everyone along in any write up especially when you are expecting a feedback. I think abbreviations should be stated in full as well, probably at the end of a post.

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Well, there are brainers who's first language isn't English yet they are prolific writers in their own language. They deserve to understand things aswell and be part of our community.
We aren't solely English on here.

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No we're absolutely not.

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Thanks for this post. I think the issue comes from when some people also use google translator. What they got from the translator may not be as accurate as the way they intend to put it

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In all sincerity, i believe misunderstandings are why things have happened the past week, I'm with Trost on this one, hopefully we can get past this in due time.

Misunderstanding is the root for a lot of problems.
I honestly believe that a lot of plagiarists don't even know that what they are doing is wrong. Maybe if someone explained to them that this isn't the right way to participate, it could go a long way right?

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“ I honestly believe that a lot of plagiarists don't even know that what they are doing is wrong.”

This is a key point. When I was in college one of my core classes required us to write a short thesis of a place. It was mostly busy work so it wasn’t being graded as seriously as my composition classes, so I played it fast and loose with the encyclopedia.

By the end I realized I had pretty much just copy and pasted my entire report, as there really aren’t that many things one can say about, say Japan, if you’ve never been there or known anyone with experience of it. At least not from a personal point of view.

So, concerned, I spoke with my instructor about it, which led to basically getting permission to plagiarize all I wanted (for that specific assignment).

The point is when presenting an opinion it’s easy (easier, anyway) to be original, even if one is just regurgitating something they heard from someone else. We still tend to put our opinions in our words, but when it comes to listing facts, they’re the same regardless of who’s presenting them.

Looking at a place like Hive, where everyone is an amateur blogger it’s not surprising people end up crossing those lines once they blur so much.

I believe plagiarism should be called out, and rewards should reflect intent to some degree, but that’s a decision each of us must make on our own in each moment we encounter it.

Exactly. The lines are so blurry so I truly believe that people do not even understand what they are doing is wrong.
Even you, a highly intelligent English-is-my-first-language and I understand what plagiarism is person (yes, I am giving you compliments!) did it without actually intending to. So the chances are high of something doing it if they aren't educated about it and might not understand the concept of plagiarism.
Thanks for sharing!!

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Thank you for the kind words. Just a few notes... average intelligence with a thirst information. Lol. I know a lot of stuff and lack the capacity to utilize it.

English is my first language but nonsense is my native tongue. 🤣

Well most plagiarists knows they're wrong, I just think they need to be educated on the fact that it is unacceptable and plus a whole other things can change too, it's a move in the right direction

But do they really? I think it's ignorance mostly.
I prefer to give people a chance first before jumping to conclusions :)

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Well it's just an application of the sense of right and wrong. Not really judging, I won't even downvote them anyways because its a personal decision

Simple example, we all know 1 way road, we can enter 1 way but can't another way. If we ignore the sign and enter the wrong way, then we're wrong.Well, I agree with @josediccus in this case.

But I won't make it too far because this topic is about "easy to understand", not about right or wrong when plagiarizing

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85% agreed with you.
15% disagreed because I also want to learn new vocabulary. Like today, I learn plagiarism

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You will learn new vocabulary for sure. Don't worry about it :)

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