Yoooo, my head is a sieve and last week was B.R.U.T.A.L.
Really brutal.
I even forgot to participate in POB Word Of The Week!!!
Just goes to show how (in)consistent I am ;)
I've basically spent my weekend resting A LOT and gathering my strength because the week was too too too much!!!
My sincerest apologies @thomasnblum and @merit.ahama for not sending you your 30 POB delegations 3 days ago. I've just sent it to you!
To make it up to you, I'll extend the delegation to 2 weeks!
I think that's a fair right? :)
I've set a reminder for myself because that's the only way I can organize my life.
The boyfriend laughs at me because literally my life is a stream of reminders of things I need to do but yo, otherwise I forget that stuff.
I sincerely think I have ADD coupled with a depression, my memory has deteriorated significantly.
I believe it's because my head is just constantly processing stuff so there is very little brain energy left over for normal typical daily things I need to remember.
@sinistry and @dibblers.dabs, you two enjoyed a full four days extra of 30 POB delegations! A little prezzie to you both from my brain that loves to forget things. HAHA.
Let's hope that this week isn't as busy and awful as last week. Fingers crossed.
That is great,is always good to take a rest since our body is not a stone, I might not be part of the people that delegated to u but u have really done justice and thanks for ur faithfulness
Being fair is the way to go right?? :)
That is nice at least u are backing up u appologies by adding 2weeks to the priod
Of course!!
Fingers crossed)
:) :) :)
I hope this week goes better for you!
It was so much better!!!! Thank goodness.
Same here! Seems the whole world went just a little out of whack for a few days there. I'm glad things are smoothing out for you!
This memory thing you talk about and give reasons why you think they might be happening is something people freak out and panic about without realizing they probably need more rest😅, really cool that you have shit figured out like this 👍😊
Well sometimes I did think there was something wrong with me because I just kept forgetting everything but now I realize it's just that I need more rest. Hahaha.
So sorry for your health, I believe you have taken enough time to rest your head.
Is not so easy to keep on working, we are all human so I advice you make out time to rest.
And I did take a few days off and just rested :) It was great!!