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RE: Just Business. History and Practice of the Death Penalty in the United States.

I have to disagree with you because of the possibility of human error, as sometimes happens in judicial practice.
Let me remind you that several innocent people were convicted for Chikatilo's crimes because of the pressure of their superiors on the detectives. Under pressure, suspects often take the blame for crimes not committed.
If the real perpetrator is found, the innocent can be exonerated, but the innocents who are shot cannot be returned to their relatives!

Thank you for the detailed presentation of your point of view on the death penalty!


I have to disagree with you. Capital punishment is the true, the only real justice for murders victims. Murderers for killings must get death penalty. You can read my new post about how in United Arab Emirates in contrast to the western world, especially in Europe and my native Lithuania justice really triumphs. Read about the case described in the post and let's see if you would feel sorry for the terrorist's life and want to keep her alive and mock the motherless children of the victim.