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RE: What would life be like if it wasn't for enjoying the moments?

in Proof of Brain4 years ago

I agree with you, it's good you enjoy yourself while you can.

I've always think of what next, how to manage the little resources I have, how to get more money and all that.

It's never easy to go have fun when there are bills you have to settle.
Like they said, human beings have numerous need, but the resources are limited.

The thought of having fun is always secondary cos all we are focused on is the listed pressing needs. Of course fun is always out of it. Hahahahah.

With this content, I've come to realize that is better for one to make out time to have fun because the needs will always be there, and since you can't clear them, enjoy yourself and believe God for provision.

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The thought of having fun is always secondary cos all we are focused on is the listed pressing needs. Of course fun is always out of it. Hahahahah.

This kind of thinking I had about 8 years ago.

The fact that the difficulties I went through and faced and then overcame, I saw that all that concern, deprivation of things we would like to do to try to "solve the problems" was in vain.

Of course there are certain things that need our focus and need to be resolved. But the problem is that we get used to following a system that everyone follows and always doing the same thing. And life is much more than that. We can and should live longer and better and enjoying every moment. Regardless of whether we have a lot of money for it or not. Because in the end what will be missed is how we really lived in this life!