Try to be yourself

in Proof of Brain4 years ago

Good day everyone, hope we all had a wonderful night?
Waking up majestically will surely tells how the gonna be. I took my break fast early this morning, first started with hot tea because the weather was cool and I later took rice and beans.


There's this thing I really wanna share with everyone here today either being leader or being lead by someone. I'm very sure you could learn from this.


Try to be yourself and let's know who you are, either you like it or not one day that thing in you will surely prove itself and it may spoil everything you've being building for long.
That reminds me of a friend. He is my boss I'm friend but there's this attitude in him, he always want to be the boss. He has been doing this for a while, in school and everywhere. He's always jealous whenever you achieve something great because all his thoughts is to have everything and you should come and be begging for help.
Life is not that hard, life is so cool.
Life at times is not about competition, do your best and leave the rest with pure heart. During exam period, after writing everything he knows he'll still go extra-miles to copy and still have poor results.
So he keeps wondering how have been living my life, he always ask me, what's the secret behind this?
I do tell him, face yourself and always compete with yourself alone.
Be contented with whatever God gives you.
Stop aiming for something big, aim for small and get something big.
The last one is , faithfulness in a small thing is a big thing.


The guy and I started proof of brain together, he do check my post every day to know how far have gone. But I do tell him, guy see am not really have this, my perspective of seeing this is far differ from yours.
I love learning alot and that makes me an autodidact.
I'm only here to learn from this platform and not to make it something else.
By the way, we all have plans for your life's.
So I don't depend on anyone nor any platform to be my source of income in life because if you do, you'll surely get disappointed one day.

credence me.

When he saw my post that I was down-voted thrice, he was so happy that he couldn't hold it but say it out. I laughed and I told him. Where are born to make mistakes in life and also make corrections. No one is perfect and also I don't really give an heck about being downvoted. So far no one can downvote my life.


Stop pretending to be what you're not just for you to attain something in life, if you do you will later regret it. Be yourself and let's everyone knows who you are.

Life is so short.
Show your reality and you'll surely get to where you've been destined to reach in life. I really love this platform because it really makes changes in me. @proofofbrain thanks for everything, thanks for serving as the central metal atom in which different ligands are attached to (we).

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By knowing and being yourself, you are better able to acknowledge things that you do not know well enough. You won't be too proud to ask questions because you - and, hopefully, everyone you work with - know how genuine you are. People will respect your ability and even eagerness to pick their brains.

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That's the damn veracity. Be yourself

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