This is going to be a thing and depending on our awesome "leadership", this could end very unpretty. The scary thing is perhaps that is exactly the point. We shall see how this is going to be sorted out as I don't see any possible scenario that doesn't involve class warfare. op/ed
via Annie Nova/ The Money GPS on Twitter and Thank you to @Inertia for providing the deets.
When the hashtags #eviction #covid #politicalunrestbecausepotentiallymillionsgohomelessandwhatcouldgowrong are used it's time to take a pause.
While property owners are not all land barons thanks to the "Flip this House" mindset, it's a pretty crappy situation. Biden has barely been in and am oh so anticipating what sort of solutions will be presented.
America is a powder keg in many areas and aside from the fact that displacing what could be millions of citizens, people shouldn't forget that all the children at the border aren't in cages's more like a sugar coated concentration camp....BUT THEY ARE FED AND HOUSED.
A lot make too much for 'help' and not enough to get by, it's a shitty situation and lays bare what is making a LOT of Americans seething and I have a feeling it runs a lot deeper than realized.
"In a 20-page order, U.S. District Judge Dabney Friedrich vacated the CDC order, first put in place during the coronavirus pandemic under the Trump administration and now set to expire June 30."
Kyle Swenson-Washington Post
It's a multi-faceted issue with some POTENTIAL dire consequences for so many who are innocent and not rich enough to ride through a year or more of Government mandated shut downs and job losses that are not going to be made up. A lot of places shuttered for good....A LOT
*thanks to @fireguardian and @proofofbrainio/giphy
We can fix this on any given Tuesday by continuing to do the work it takes to make the living standard we have while refusing wages for that work.
Without wages there is no need for prices.
This simple trick upsets the apple cart, elegantly.
I just need the idea to permeate a little farther, and viola!, utopia!
Or, the best imitation we can get.
The question is, would you do what you did today if you could order anything you wanted for free?
Some folks are gonna answer no, and a transition will need to take place, but out of it comes no work before ~20 and only work you want to do after 50.
Remember, no wages, no prices, just good people doing adulting.
Coming soon™ to a dystopia near you!
yup and all those bitching about big bad fiat and banks ...... how many get they can take their money out EN MASSE and have stuff on its knees in a day if that because it would have to be coordinated and rapid and that lovely window of opportunity has pretty much closed
and God Forbid people even lift a finger to try to grow at least a portion of their own food etc..... so much is an illusion and so many are eager to lap it up like the "woke af" lapdogs they are... op/ed
smart response, it IS appreciated People hate "Money" so much but will slice ya' on a "decentralized" place over a freaking air crypto nickle, way to stick it to the man, lmfao
Melding with the cult is easier, it's why they choose it.
No thinking for themselves, all the 'experts' handle the thinking, now.
Experts are never wrong.
I like to hold coins, they have to be purchased at face value from the mint/treasury, so every dollar of coins in your pocket is a dollar out of the fed banksters' pockets and a dollar of credit in the treasury.
Better we all just cooperate to make a better world, and that starts with ending wages to be enslaved by, iyam.
oh yes it is easier and that's why we're in deep crap as a species with the likes of Gates etc... being ALLOWED to carry out the great reset which is NOW, a lot are holed up pecking away at keys all day or ordered to due to the 'plague from a bat or pangolin that magically wound up looking like bullshit or a bioweapon or something altogether different but equally evil' we're feeding the A.I . monster now
And the band plays on,...
Life is a ride, where she stops nobody knows, the only sure thing is that we are getting off alone.
And this is the best 'utopia' we can give ourselves?
'We' need help.
that's for sure and funny more don't contemplate that finality of this current trip/timeline
According to some since full "disclosure" did nothing to change most, nor did "plagues" or race wars maybe some freaking inter/extradimensionals come down and eradicate Homo Erectus as the virus is often is or intervene to change the course that we're on
I am glad there are some intelligent signs of life on some of my post threads :)
Nobody watches the news, they don't read, either.
If they did hear about it, 3 days later they have forgotten the story even ran.
The social engineers have nearly completed a prison we can never escape.
Most don't even try, anymore.
They have no idea this isn't freedom.
They have never experienced it.
They just do what they are told in order to fit in and not be an outcast, and by that virtue, they are enslaved willingly.
It's not possible for them to drive a car without a seatbelt, to not come to a complete stop at the stop sign, or to go through an intersection when the light is red at 3am and they are the only car on the road.
They obediently wait for it to turn green despite knowing it is absurd to do so.
These tiny freedoms we take from ourselves make us cop of the year and we don't even get free donuts.
That is a shame.
The world lost something when The Duke left his meat suit behind.
'When cops break the law, there is no law, only a fight for survival.'
Billy Jack
I fail to see why the government should have ever gotten involved in the transactions between a property owner and a tenant. This was never going to end well.
As soon as the government relieves tenants of any negative consequences of not paying their rent, many are going to stop paying their rent -- whether they can afford to pay or not.
If the government wants to pay people directly so they can pay their rent, that's one thing; but telling one individual he can shirk his contractual responsibilities to another individual is asinine.
Instead of spending $4 trillion to prop up specific industries and businesses (and instead of trying to take away the incentive for tenants to pay their rent), the federal government should've just given the $12,000 to every citizen.
12k for rent thats cheap!
yeahhhh, the damn title need to change to say "Americans" not American but unfortunately I am in America but living abroad was much, much better since other older nations have culture and well here we have........... a very strong big pharma and military industrial complex ;)
I agree totally, there is a rather head on collision with class warfare that imho rests rather squarely on the fed gov.
hope people remember that, if America can spin billions but probably really trillions in black budget ops they can do better in other sectors but then again most gov. is like a grouping of Darth Vaders
Not only that, but any government that forces a business to stay closed is promulgating an involuntary taking, which cannot be done without just compensation.
We desperately need state and local governments to be held accountable for their "non-essential business" closures.
I can not wait to see what for "accountability" takes, it's almost like they just are gonna keep poking the bear till something breaks
unreal and oh yes I agree
thank you sir :)
This is not looking good for millions of Americans who will be negatively affected by this...@battleaxe
I like to play strategy games and in no endgame do I see this ending well but that's just my op/ed
That kind of mass un-housing could create the kind of unrest that will actually change some things in this country.
I don't expect that it will, but I like to see the silver linings. 🤔
you and me both about unrest, sometimes the "old guard" gets spun around in America till some silver linings happen, love that nice spin on the chaos going on atm
axey (are you on discord?)
I don't really engage much on Discord, but I have it on my desktop.