How does one deal with chaos? Easy Answer ................ you sometimes can not.
Right now is a chaotic time of technological growth and achievements that are happening so rapidly it is impossible to keep BUT chaos does tend to organize into order given enough time.
Time itself seems bent but maybe I'll toss back some vino one night and write about that in the future. Anyhow, us humans are being tossed about with the whims of markets, weather, other humans etc..... how do we cope?
Chaos is intrinsic to the human experience. The great void or whirling miasma gives rise to the counterforce of organization and hopefully, progression and evolution. Sometimes just embracing the cray-cray lets you look back to see exactly how far you have come with constant chaos and noise "attacking" your personal goals.
A lot of smart people are on here and it's often common to get a bit anxious or overwhelmed because we are constantly pinged or a new shiny comes out that distracts us. I deal with chaos by trying to remind myself that you can only do so much and to keep it simple.
I can not work in clutter and chaos and usually like an almost spartan environment that would please most minimalists. (keeping it zen helps deal with chaos imho)
Taking time to get your proverbial s*** together really helps keep the avalanche of noise under control.
While some know what "Hail Eris" means most do not. I throw the proverbial golden apples too because maybe I like a little chaos.
Thank you for reading and here are some other mental droppings I have going at the moment. Images off the interwebs, Giphy rocks and remember that when life tosses you chaos it can be the start of a totally new road in life.
Chaos and I are not really good friends, personally. Like you, I prefer to keep things spartan if possible - typically, this is not so possible with children in the house.
My personal solution to chaos (which is not so much a solution as much as it is a mental survival mechanism) is to prioritise and keep lists. Lists, lists, lists, and work from the top down. Having a good DGAF attitude does help, too.
oh yes, learning to dispense our energy wisely is key and also lists
I make sure to just keep my magic lists on post its which are everywhere because it keeps me focused and slaps away much bullshit :)
Great things are created from chaos, it's in that moment that the universe can really express it self. And the hardship has been the mother of all evolution. So hard and chaotic times are always welcome for me! But not always...
This is gold! I always have to remember to put one foot in front of the other to keep going. Simple and enough!
Thanks for sharing, I had a good laugh reading this.
oh yes! Chaos is mind numbing but in the end sometimes something wonderful emerges and perhaps all this suffering going on will help guide us humans to do better and leave behind something more equitable for all in the future.
Eris is the Goddess of Discord and sometimes she needs to take a chill pill

What makes you a " success " is when you are able to overcome chaos,so yes chaos is something you will experience in life but been able to overcome it is what makes you to be yeah face that chaos like a hungry lion and defeat the hell with chaos...winks...
Oh yes, Lioness here on that but yesssss, we have to just deal with it even though everything feels like it's on fast forward at the moment itself can be complicating,but we need to move on and stay happy and focused...
that is certainly the goal
Taking time to rest and reorganise is one way, it is difficult not to get stressed by the chaos, but in those moments we must keep in mind that everything passes, the bad moments are not eternal.
I needed to read those last words , good timing, hoping later to have some interrupted time if I get lucky lol
😄 thank you for the wise and very well timed words
I can relate to this in terms of this site and the social interactions and whatnot. My method is to wake up early, have a cup of tea, do all my replies and a bit of reading and commenting, then fuck off out for a walk. I usually don't comment later on in the day because I don't have the mental capacity to be completely aware of what I'm putting out there. Much easier to deal with that in the morning, although it can get a bit chaotic with the replies.
that's for sure, I have to do a lot and a lot is not fun stuff and it's pretty heavy on the mind so I like to water my now seedlings,some are getting planted and am waiting on my Yukon Gold potatoes to really be ready to plant............ I tend to stagger out uv's etc and don't follow any trails, yes I am a real manual curator because there are some amazing posts and blogs to follow YOU :)
Oh very nice, a bit of a green thumb are ya? I've been planning to get up to my grandparent's allotment lately to do some planting myself, hopefully gonna find the time during May to get rolling.
Manual curating is a bit of a task but it's not exactly like you have to use all your votes every day, I guess it depends on what kind of person you are. Back at ya, I always appreciate people that drop the truth bombs, even if they do make me mildly depressed at times, lol.
ahh the irony of being told I am depressing, yeah I suppose truth bombs can do that but the cool thing about depression is that it can lift and maybe people see things with a bit of a more perceptive lens, one can hope
I didn't say that! Just the content matter often is, which isn't a bad thing by any means. It's needed for giving character and bringing some things to light. It's just best in small doses (in my opinion).
lol I know you didn't say that, I did :P I am like a chaotic storm of topics that reaches back years, really if you get bored scroll back and then back and back some more or google battleaxesteemit as that's where my blog was "born"
let me show you, my rap career mixed with blogging and podcasts was fun, maybe my next post will be about "Don't eat Uranium" and I'll maybe MAYBE get on video some more and twerk to my soon to be non-hit song.... "Don't eat Uranium and Flouride is for losers"
thanks for the banter sweet @calumam :) I never assume gender on here so I do call people sweet or muffins sometimes, it's a bad habit
I just saw your comments from yesterday and remembered that I missed this one. I'll definitely have a zoom back and see the blog from before HIVE, it'll be a nice blast to the past for when I started on this crypto journey myself.
Twerking? Rapping? That is despicable behavior and you should be ashamed of yourself... yeah right, I'm not a wet wipe. I'm down for that. I'm gonna throw on some One Be Lo now and relive some nostalgic vibes.
I'm not the most masculine but I think muffins may be a little bit of a step too far for me, but I can roll with sweet. Very cute.
Chaos , the form of creation , letting things happen .
Order , The form of restriction . taking control somehow .
I can't create from only order , i need some chaos whit that to . ;-)
Amen fellow axe :)
Most people worship order and fear chaos . Chaos is bad and order is good is burned in there mind's . They seek order true life living in constant fear of chaos . There order is destructive to chaos , to creation , to evolution , to freedom , to nature .
Order and chaos both create . Only order or only chaos does not . Seek order in chaos , chaos in order . Don't order chaos to stop . ;-)
well said, the Universe is an constant state of that and all one must do is look up at the heavens if you are lucky enough to see stars