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RE: The Blah Diaries (Chapter 2) Fauci cops to the obvious, UFO blather and other musings...

in Proof of Brain3 years ago

but isn't it a good lil' morsel to throw out there to get some good dialogue and chat going :)
I suppose being on the tail end of Millenialism I just thought having tons of piercings were awesome till I grew up (well mostly), am VERY glad I didn't wind up like some of my friends who inked themselves so much it affected their careers or lack of in some ways. ;)

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I think the whole paradigm of 'generations' promotes a kind of a false tribalism in some cases. Although it is valid for aggregate discussions what challenges people faced during historical periods and so on.

I suppose most things are false tribalism anyhow but I can't just not slip in a boomer 'joke' when warranted especially in the states, very,very obvious on wealth gaps etc..... plus even at eighty plus just keep adding botox and make sure not to let anyone young enough to remotely be your grandchild have any real power. It's one thing to respect the elders and I'd probably look at some 18 year old trying to tell me how to run things and be like.....okay lil' snowflake.
as far as for golden apple throwing on trying to drum up chatting what can I say? if it works , it works. America's power gaps with some exception in fintech and a few other fields is still reallllllly dominated by a group handed a lot on a platter overall. Their kids then wind up entitled as all hell (gen x but more like millenials and then the zoooooomers) gasp!
I far prefer replies like this over "nice post buddy" and am thinking, "do they not even bother to look at my thumnail pic?" It's another thing I like to throw proverbial apples at when and if needed for sometimes just the heck of it.

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