axeyThis is really a great job @scholaris, thank you for all you're doing and really like the vibe. I had questions and am glad to see this all nice and neat and organized , thumbs up
axeyThis is really a great job @scholaris, thank you for all you're doing and really like the vibe. I had questions and am glad to see this all nice and neat and organized , thumbs up
Thanks battleaxe. I'm glad you approve. The difficulty will be incorporating everyone's opinions into workable guidelines that aren't too vague while not being restrictive.
We should say how we'd like people to behave, but limit what the group wouldn't tolerate to a few obvious things. I think an approach like this is important because of so many gray areas that appear to exist on Hive.
grey is most certainly the hue I'd pick to describe really most of how things really operate :)