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RE: Communicating is loving. [EN/PT]

in Proof of Brain2 years ago

I absolutely agree, differences are there always and that’s normal and beautiful. I believe we grow with each different person that we met. In the couple this is even more obvious, because we share a lot of time with that person that usually at the beginning seems to be pretty similar to you, and later you will realize that there are many points where you two disagree.

The most important thing is to be able to talk and to express the different needs and wills.


Yes, exactly! Imagine that there are two people who grew up in different worlds. Each one had a unique type of education, upbringing, and life experiences. Each one has their own perception of things and different perspectives, but they need to live together because they love each other. Communication is the bridge that connects these two worlds and will make them live in harmony. Communication is as important as feelings!