in Proof of Brain3 years ago

Enron was an America energy company based in Houston, TX as one of the world's leading electricity, natural gas, pulp and paper and communication giants. Named America's Most Innovative Company By Fortune for sic consecutive years, with 22,000 employees, Enron claimed nearly $101 billion in revenue in 2000 alone. About 15,000 employees held 62% of their savings in Enron stock, purchased at $83.13 not foreseeing the plummet to a miserable $0.10 in October 2001. Their downfall began during a recorded conference call on April 17, 2001, when Wall Street analyst, Richard Grubman, questioned Enron's unorthodox accounting applications. Enron as it turned out, was the only company that could not produce balance sheet along with its earnings statements. Not only were their top dogs immensely compensated using stock options, racking up a plethora of financial crimes including bank fraud, securities fraud, wire fraud, money laundering, conspiracy and insider trading, but cost stock holders at least $11billion after filing bankruptcy in 2001. Kenneth lay and Jeffery Skilling's former CEOs, went on trial in January 2006. Skilling was sentenced to 24 years and Lay died before he could be sentenced. Not only was the company itself destroyed in the process, but every one of its peers and business contracts came under harsh scrutiny from numerous government agencies, and public trust in the entire industry was irreparably damaged.


This piece will reflect on How many mighty men In time past Fall including Sampson. It proves that unless we understand the indiscriminate part played by God's word in our lives, it will be difficult to make any meaningful progress in life. In that sense, success cannot crown our efforts.


Samson was brought up in Zorah near the country of the Philistines. As he grew, he mostly mingled with the enemies of Israel on daily basis. Sampson was growing to becoming a man of a strong deposition. However, at the prime of usefulness in fulfilling the purpose of his existence, that is the deliverance of Israel from the hands of the Philistines. Manoah's son, Sampson engaged his strength in a course not worth dying for. the point here is that, Sampson diverted from the main purpose of his existence. In life, if you don't stand for something or have ac focus, you are likely to fall for anything. Since you lack focus, you do not necessarily back your actions wit faith. Again, if you are not passionate about anything or nothing really matters to you, then life itself will be of little value to you.

How many would have been far useful if they had considered that they are not the sole benefactors of their existence and need not polarize their lives on a myopic scale. How many would have been very cautions and careful in dealing with issues selfishly. These were precisely the steps and the paths Samson took.


Israel as a holy nation and royal descendants had been warned of intermarriages with the heathen. Amusingly, many giants of the Canon fell, and the Hebrew nation has the records of these individuals un-mistakenly chronicled. Abraham could not learn from the mistakes of the descents of Seth, so was Jacob. Solomon and Samson also followed in similar manner. It is needless experiencing before learning from the costly mistakes of others. Bible says *These things happened to them as examples and were written down as warnings for us, on Whom the fulfillment of the ages has come. 1 Corinthians :11. What prudent guidance from the store house of God's unerring counsel.
I do not believe in the principle of wasting ink when it comes to inspiration. I trust that when Bible repeats similar or the same idea, it is with the aim of emphasizing and it ought to be well noted. Proverbs had it recorded twice that our ways may not be always right.
There is a way that seems right to a man, but in the end it leads to death. Proverbs 14:12

The life of Samson presents just this basis for delving into the colossal fall of many mighty men. from the scriptural lessons raised so far, it is obvious that undermining God's word is a key factor that can lead to the demise of mighty men. Emmanuel Zaklie once said Bodily exercise refreshes our system, good health comes with a good sleep, and a time spent with giants elevates one's way of reasoning. But a thorough journey through the Holy Writ rejuvenates and replenishes all dimensions of our being.
As a Nazarene, Samson was well acquainted with the written word. He knew God's absolute sanction on dealing with unbelievers. On the contrary, he displayed a high level triviality to God's word. This was the very first step that led to his subsequent woes and final fall.
Samson went down to Timnath, and saw a woman in Timnath of the daughters of the Philistines Judges 14-1-3

Placing God's word beneath the carpet was a reckless trip Samson embarked on. Instead of maintaining focus and adhering to the Word of God concerning his life, he chose his own path which ultimately cost him dearly. Also, Sampson's decision to engage in a relationship with the lady of Timnath was a grievous one. That eventually facilitated his downfall. Like Eve, who saw that the fruit of the tree was good for food and pleasing to the eye, and also desirable for gaining wisdom, she took some and ate it. Genesis 3:6

This son Of Eve re-demonstrated the rationale behind the fall of our first parents, undermining God's absolute command.
Show me a mighty man who fell and I will tell you the first step to his downfall. God's word beneath the carpet. Samson, a judge and liberator of Israel disrespected and disregarded God's word.

May God Help us all not to repeat the mistakes of these characters.