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RE: Downturn thoughts

You hit it right on the head lol seriously. It's in your mind. So many people are short sighted and want massive gains TODAY RIGHT NOW! Otherwise they are out and call it a scam. You know who made it ? The people that bought bitcoin for $100 or less back in 2013 and held it believing in the project to this day. That $100 is now worth about $44,000. If you truely believe in crypto and what it has to offer you buy and you hold.

Now what makes POB and Hive awesome is you can do just that but you can also take an active part in it's growth and success.

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Ya, if you hold on and believe in the project chances are great you have already made out like a bandit. If you can take on an active role in the project(s) that you believe in, even better! (That is why Hive is the best).

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