NOTE; All images used in this post are carefully lifted with permission from the ''istock'' image and the name of the photographer is tagged to each photo.

It only took a while before it dawned on him that every human has his or her destiny to face and so every human has a different route to follow in the achievement of this destiny. On the floor he lay, with his hands crossed over his head he looked deep and long into the sky, blinking his eye at intervals while staring as wild thought went on through his mind. Irresistibly he murmured to himself and said, what if I don’t make it ?, what if I die before my time? what if the world never gets to hear the creative part of me? it felt dark and lonely in his head and nothing around him seemed to be of interest to him anymore. The cold air of the blue sky brushed on his skin sending chills right down his spine as he kept thinking aloud to himself, he kept asking, have I failed in my race of life? is it too late to correct my wrongs? Can I ever meet up again? Will I ever be rich? In dismay he kept shaking his head cause at that point he was weak and little on emotional support, but deep in his confusing hallucination a still voice mentioned a word to him and that word changed his perspective and inside of reality. That word was FOCUS.

Yes, focus, as short and simple as it sounds it’s a word that can make or break any man. After hearing this whispered word through the mind of his understanding he began to ponder. Focus is a big part of any successful life and in it absence is ‘’distraction’’ and as disturbing as this may sound to you it’s the sincere truth. Even when adopting negative habits there has to be a certain level of focus for that negative character to have turned into a habit so in both positive and negative lifestyle focus is widely involved. In as much as everyone has a different destiny everyone will move in different directions and now in this aspect of life race focus means the ability to concentrate on doing your thing while every other person is busy doing their thing. Easier said than done, it’s really difficult for one to stay concentrated while every other person around him is running in different directions, more like saying read a book in a market, but hey that’s why it’s called FOCUS. It’s a rare attribute and many find it hard to get or exercise it. Show me a focused man and I will show you a successful man, for a high percentage of success comes with a focus
The sad part of the whole thing is that once you begin to feel the urge to be focused so many things around you must change like; the kind of company you keep must change cause as much as everyone moves in different directions they also have a different level of concentration so some people will become a distraction to you so you must begin to keep company with people that have the same goals and level of concentration as you NOTE: distraction can come to you from any living or non-living thing be it family, friend, business partner etc. also when you are ready to get the focus you must forfeit some things like some fun, some addictions, some routine so that you can free yourself for reset and begin to build your concentration towards the thing you want to focus on and always remember that focus is aimed with the mind so try to keep the mind free and steady so to build your concentration to the level you want.

FOCUS is a mind game, it first generates from the mind then out of the abundance of the heart the body will begin to exercise it physically too cause it is always mind over matter. It’s a thing of putting a high level of concentration on a person, thing, or situation. Once concentration is building distraction will begin to oppose and distraction fight a man in these 3 dimensions YOUR ADDICTION, YOUR WEAKNESS, YOUR EMOTION, using this very delicate part of your distraction will strike from every corner. Since focus is a mind thing it means only you can train your mind to concentrate and focus, no one can do that for you only you can train your mind so it might feel lonely or boring at times but just then you feel bored and lonely that’s when your concentration is heightened because you have filtered your mind from some fun, some addiction, and some routine so there is less in your mind to distract it so some very successful people say ‘’it’s lonely at the top’’, and it’s true because its need’s a high level of concentration and good focus to attain that level of success and FOCUS could be boring and lonely at times. When building concentration on situations it’s good to engage in exercise because it helps clear the mind and build the body, some exercise like morning road walk or jogging, yoga, meditation, etc.
How can I not be distracted when my mind is at war with itself, more often than not I hear voices in my head, some saying you are doing it right and others saying you have gone the wrong path. I don’t know who to run to, I don’t know who to trust, I don’t even know the part of me that is right or which is wrong. I seem to find less comfort in the advice from friends cause mostly it is interest-based, I hear echoes from the past, some memories that scare me, some friends that turned enemies, the things I’ve gained and those I have lost, like the said, life is like a moving train and no one in this world can stop the clock from ticking which means time waits for no man so all we need do is align ourselves with time and try to make it positive through our preparations and opportunities. The past is heavy and its memories drain even the present we live in and the unknown future, how then will I run this race of life while carrying these heavy memories of the past in my head? how far will I go? While the circumstances of the present are heavy upon my head, so many questions yet no one to answer. Sometimes I feel like if I were a GOD I would be the ‘’God of frustration’’ loll, how awkward that sounds right? But I am slowly reaching the height of loosening my mind and losing myself in the wild world. They say your life flashes in your eye before you die, yes really that’s how short life is just like a flash and every circumstance determines the fate of the next outcome this got me thinking, do we have our destiny in our hands or are we acting an already written script? Do we decide our fate or has it been decided already? Well just like my favorite uncle would say ‘’everybody will die one day so you can ask God all you have when you finally meet him. I can’t find peace within, and even after I have changed location from one city to another I still have not found a way to break even in life the worst part is I can’t even tell whether the fault is from, me or the society I live in.....i will be dropping a continuation to this post in 2 days from the day of the publish [today]