The Flower Shop on the Sidewalk

in Proof of Brain3 years ago

I entered the month in which are 4 years since I wrote on this platform and I can't believe that they passed so quickly. You know the saying ... like they were yesterday!

Also this good month, our colleague, Denise, @dswigle celebrates the same four years in Hive and her predecessor. I had the chance to start with Denise and I am pleased to say that we are friends, although we are thousands of kilometers apart. She lives in Washington DC and I live in Bucharest, Romania. Beyond the differences in chances, education, level, and lifestyle, this social blogging platform now called Hive has made this possible, a virtual friendship due to mutual respect, admiration, and selfless help.

If I'm still here and I'm really happy about it, it's because of Denise, who twice pulled me back here. When I gave up because it was hard at first (problems with my poor English, unusual writing, lack of interest from others for my blogs, not even symbolic rewards ...) Denise intervened and convinced me to stay. I can't even thank her enough for that!

One of the forms of gratitude was my participation in the challenges that Denise created and supported, of which #MarketFriday is the best known and has been running for almost four years. This challenge has been and is very helpful for hundreds of colleagues, especially newcomers, to have a topic for their posts and, in particular, to make sure that someone reads, comments, and votes on them.

As gratitude is still a rare bird, lately, overwhelmed by the multitude of communities and proposals, I have not posted in #marketfriday. Of course, Denise understood the cause, but that doesn't excuse me.

Now, in this anniversary month for the two of us, I will resume participating in this beautiful and quite difficult challenge.

Because Denise is a big flower lover and one of the best flower photographers, she invented another challenge and tag, #alwaysaflower, I will write about a small flower market.

The flower shop on the sidewalk

My wife goes to the hairdresser once a month and, fortunately, this hairdresser is close to two places that I really like, this little flower shop and a park, a small park famous for Egyptian lotus flowers. Of course, I think it is understood that I take her to the hairdresser and then I have an hour to visit the park and the flower shop.

The walk through the park ends with hundreds of photos, many used in my posts, and from the small flower shop, I always buy at least one flower for my little yard.


Although it seems an insignificant place, this small flower shop always has special flowers, of quality and, importantly, not expensive. Because often the flowers bought from such florists, once in the garden wither and die. Most of the time due to our inexperience, we take some flowers from a place where they are well cared for and fed and we plant them somewhere where we forget about them, without water and food.

Many of the flowers are displayed directly on the sidewalk, of course, this is also marketing ... who can resist going through the flowers and not be attracted to buy at least one.




Although I recognize their beauty and exoticism, I am not a fan of cacti. I go on to look for something that fits my yard.


I am looking, of course, for perennial flowers that are resistant to the winter cold in Bucharest. These blue flowers, I forgot to keep the label and I don't know what they are called, caught our attention. We really like their color, they look a little like lavender.


Hard to choose when there are many but in the end, we decided.

Then I saw some carnations. Very good for the yard. I couldn't get past these without buying.


With the mission accomplished, all that remained was to admire the other flowers. We already have many of them in the yard. Such as hydrangea.



Also this bougainvillea and hibiscus...



... and petunia, of course!


The wife finished with the hairstyle (I don't see a big change, but that depends on how much we men can understand these pleasures of women) and would buy the whole flower shop. We can't, for obvious reasons and not only because it wouldn't fit in our little yard already too full of vegetation and flowers.


This is the flower shop on the sidewalk. Beyond the crowded boulevard is Circus Park, the lotus park.

Now I am going to show you how the flowers arrived in our garden. Unfortunately, it has been raining almost continuously for two weeks and this has affected all the flowers.





I think they have integrated well and I look forward (but, in fact, I'm in no hurry) to see what they will be like next year.


In posts for or inspired by Denise must be ... #alwaysaflower!


Because it's the month of roses, a small tribute from my yard.




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the flower arrangement on the bicycle is awesome. and congrats on your anniversary on the platform. :)

Thank you!

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Happy 4th Anniversary @bluemoon , time does fly and nothing we can do to slow it down just enjoy every moment Mr bluemoon 👍

Love the flower shop very colorful and nice varieties.

Thank you! It would be good to be able to enjoy every moment. I often forget to do that.

Ahhhh, we all do have our down moments but as long as we balance it out we will feel better 👍

Those are such beautiful flowers.

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Really beautiful flowers @bluemoon.
And as always, a pleasurable read!
Do you use Google translator or did you go from being a poor English speaker (like you said) to this good English writer you have become?

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Great photos....wonderful flowers!

Thanks, I'm glad you found the reading enjoyable.
I'm actually doing a mix. I use Google Translate, Grammar and then check for blatant mistakes. Because I learned English in high school, but that happened fifty years ago and of course I forgot a lot but I still have some notions and I generally see when it is misspelled. I use Translate to save time, there are a lot of words I don't know anymore.

Ok, cool. Good job, man👍

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Thank you!

Congratulations @bluemoon. Such a sweet selection of flowers! A perfect choice for the sweet @dswigle. She's also been helpful in getting me back here recently

Thank you for the mention. It has been my pleasure!

Thank you and welcome back! I know Denise's story and I'm glad she supported you on this return. What can I say, it seemed that I ignored your return. It's not his. I was so glad to see you here again. I was not prepared to reconnect with you. I was very upset when you weren't here before. I knew you were bringing another wonderful child into this world, and yet I couldn't stop myself from getting upset. I don't know why and please forgive me.
I still can't understand the rough and hard life you, your family, are leading. I think you accept this and you need it but I wonder if this is the best for your children. Once again please forgive me, I probably don't know and understand a lot but when I think about the fact that you live so isolated I have a heartbreak.
I apologize for not having a reaction so far, but I could not be too happy to see you here. I hope things go well for you and your family, and I hope that the budget here will bring the greatest benefits to you. Because you deserve!

Well @dswigle is a real gem that is the truth. How she interacts with her comments is an example to us all.' And yes the time does fly!

Cacti are amazing in their own way. Rough and stubborn.

Totally agree with what you say about @dswigle. I learned a lot from her.

That goes two ways, Dan! @bluemoon Thank you so much!

I thank more!

You two are so kind and now I think you are embarrassing me! :) Thank you @old-guy-photos !!!