Julian Assange has been released!

Today is a wonderful day and finally wonderful news, unbeatable news, a reason to rejoice in our existence among so many adversities that we have been suffering in terms of freedom in terms of injustices in recent years, Julian Assange, the number one journalist in the world, the creator of the heroic Wikileaks network and the greatest and most complete exponent of libertarian philosophy and free market anarchism in our times.
Do you remember when images of Assangen being dragged around the world as if he were a criminal by London police officers, expelled from the embassy where he had had asylum since 2002, that is, he had already completely completed 7 years of confinement? unjustified by the repugnant criminal traitor Lenin Moreno, vice president of the also criminal Rafael Correa, who spied on Assange even though he had him as an asylum.