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RE: From failure to success

If you want to succeed in this life you must fail first.

There is a lot of info to unpack from what you've written. I'm glad you did write it! We fear the unknown. When things are known, we lose that fear...there's no doubting. As a man who believes in God, you understand the concept that fear is of the devil. God brings light into your world so you can perceive with the light while Satan leaves darkness so that you cannot perceive. Because you cannot see, you fear. Fear is of the devil...

Now, to the quote I blocked out above. I disagree with you. If you want to succeed in this life, I don't believe it is dependent on failing; however, I believe that it is dependent on learning from failure. A smart man learns from his own mistakes (you may call the mistake a failure). A wise man learns from others' mistakes. I know many folks who have tasted success in varying areas where failure did not proceed it. There are many more examples where success took place because of lessons learned from one's own failure.

In either case, failure does not have to be the end. Fear does not need to be the stopping point. Whether or not someone believes in God, if they will take the time to assess the situation, determine how to flip failure into a turning point and dispel fear by putting light onto the situation, they will likely do well. It's the standing up after falling down that gives people another chance-no guarantee for success-but a chance.

God bless!

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Hello good morning to you, how was your night I hope it was splendid.
I want thank for your wonderful comments, I really appreciate.
I am writing this out of experience.
If you don't do away with fear you can never reached your destination in life. And there is no human being on this planet earth without fear we just have to overcome it so that we can achieve something. I agreed with you, smart man learn from their mistakes while a wise man learn from other people's mistakes. I have also learnt from your comments. Thank you. God bless you.