My wife and 3 of my children recently tested positive for Covid. After seeing their symptoms and hearing about the symptoms of others who have now admitted to me that they had previous positive tests, I have a hard time not letting an idea be pushed aside.
It seems to me that Covid is highly contagious-no one really disputes that, that I know of...but that its symptom severity is similar to the flu-not saying they're the same symptoms, though some are obviously the same. Perhaps it's the cynic in me, but it seems like certain people in the US forced those with Covid around those who were least likely to survive from it at the beginning so that the death rate per infection would be highest from the beginning, thus causing the highest amount of hysteria...thus causing people to give up freedom for security. Now that we've had it in the US for 20 months and the death rate is miniscule compared to what it was reported to be when it first came out, it seems there has been some chaos manipulation...perhaps for a President change...perhaps for other motives like spending bills that are several times GDP?
naw...couldn't be...
We know the Covid testing methods are no better than rolling a die.
Elizabeth the Durian was also found to be positive for Covid. Apparently kids can get it too. ( I mean child goats ) If they have flu symptoms, it wouldn't hurt to follow the out patient protocol just in case. I know people who think they recovered from it. Maybe, I had it. I don't know.
Because the tests are garbage, we really don't know if COVID is grossly less infectious than what we have been told or has become less dangerous as it spread. It may have mutated into a less dangerous form.
That's one of my thoughts, too... that it has mutated to being less potent.