Am so happy that am privileged to give my first talk,Here again in my own capacity,i brought an interesting topic with a spacious concern.
LOVE is one of the true emotions we human experience,as primate. its also ranges from personal affection to pleasure.I design my full definition of Love as... L_ learn O_ observe, V_ violent emotions E _ expression. With Eros, Philia, Agape and Storge, Early men has distinguish different types of Love that exist thousands of years ago..
Eros is best explained as a romantic desire for one's partner, Philia represent friendship desire, Storge exist as a love for a Familiarity between people, and finally Agape is the true and divine love from God.
Permit me to digress to the biblical aspect of love,where Paul, the true servant of God express love in( I Corinthians 13, ) ,where he best explained love as "patience and Kind" , it does not exist in the wrong but right manner, love never ends.
However, since love is Ontological,that is Creation of a new being from an existing one, today, love has been evicted from the original state or form and being treated in an unfathomable protocols. With the confusion of "lust and love", as this continues young adults who are not matured enough to display Erose hurts their emotional feelings and face jeopardy as a result.
There are other forms of love that are skeptical,and prohibited to those that are not ready for it.. The production of real love are peace of mind,good health with less worries and less blood pressure,and many other amenable qualities. there are more immense reward if good relationship being cultivated....
The phenomenon LOVE, does not include disadvantages..but it can be categorized based on how people define and display them among others in the society. many practice their own type through immature lane so as to get their selfish interest.
Let imbibe the amenable aspect of love and bring settlement through our culture,, remember, 'Real love is by choice'!.
Thanks for reading.