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RE: People in Paris

in Proof of Brain7 months ago

I love observing people!!! Especially in the big cities like Paris and Brussels it is always nice! And often leads to great photo opportunities! (As you show here…)
One of the funny things I’ve always found that Brussels and Paris, while so close and so similar, are still like two worlds apart in some respect!


I've never been to Brussels. One lifetime is not long enough to see all the places in the world that I would love to see!

That is soooo true! And I already feel blessed that I can drive to Amsterdam and Paris in one weekend, and still sleep in my own bed at night!
One evening, a few years ago, I asked my wife after dinner what she wanted to do, and she said “drink a coffee under the Eifel tower”. So we hopped in the car, drove to Paris, parked at about 100m of the Eifel tower, drank something, walked around a bit, and when all the nice lights of Paris went dark, we drove back home.

How wonderful that would be!
Not counting travel time to and from airports, from Chicago that trip takes 8 1/2 hours.
You are blessed, for sure!

Well, for that matter, I’ve never been to Chicago yet 😉 or any place in the states…

I've been to Brugge.... And Amsterdam. It was a great 2 week road trip that began in Paris.

Niiiiice!!! And in that respect, if you've seen Paris, Brugge is a much better choice, or Antwerp could also be. Brussels is in a similar style then Paris, Brugge is totally different experience, not even comparable :-)
And yes, Amsterdam is... well, Amsterdam :-D

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