The chaos caused by bad advice

in Proof of Brain3 years ago

You've probably been hearing a lot of bad advice from linear thinkers on the internet these days. From advice about getting rich fast or how to spend your time as opposed to your goals, it's abundant. However, many people fall for these bad ideas because they are not well grounded in sound reasoning and history. Often, their advice is nothing more than an excuse to get you to buy whatever it is that they are selling.

The typical bad advice from a linear thinker usually begins like this. "If you want to get rich quickly, you need to get rich slow." Now, I'm not saying that you should listen to this advice or put it into practice. In fact, I encourage you not to use your common sense or your brain, but rather follow the lead of a bad idea.

Let me tell you something about yourself. No matter what kind of bad advice you hear from an expert or from some self-promoting e-book you purchase, you are uniquely yourself. The only person who can ever change you is yourself. You are the master of your life and your destiny. If someone else tells you differently, then you should question what kind of weirdos they are and leave them in the dust.

The problem with all this advice is that it is typically coming from a linear thinker, someone who is looking to make a few bucks in the short term by selling something to you. When I was doing business with one of the greatest mistakes I made was listening to the advice of a linear thinker. He told me to invest in a pick up truck for my teenage daughter. I asked him why and he said that it would be a good investment since she would learn how to drive one in the future. I thought to myself, how does he think so?

Well, you see, it turns out he wasn't really an expert at all and was just a lousy sales guy. This bad advice came from a think tank, which is basically an Internet think tank. To the members of the think tank, they are thought leaders. If an individual is telling you to invest in something based on nothing more than guesswork and hunches, then you can be sure that they are not an expert in their own eyes and they are likely not going to help you much in the long run. Please don't be taken in by this type of bad advice.

Now, let's look at an even better scenario. Let's say that I'm invited to speak at a conference in another town. I'm told that I should come in and give a speech about something important that happened in my life. Now, if I were going to speak from my heart, using what I know about that subject matter, wouldn't I use the most effective method of communication? That would be audio visual!

The think tanks have been used all over the country for this very thing: They are training people in how to use the latest tools to communicate their ideas and get their point across. You may not think that this is a controversial statement. But you'd be surprised at how many linear thinkers try to convince you otherwise. And that is why you need to be very careful who you listen to.

Sometimes you just have to put the breaks on bad advice. If you find yourself listening to bad advice from linear thinkers posing as experts, then perhaps you might want to take a pass and go do something else. But please don't. Do not be taken in by anyone who tells you that you must spend your life working toward a specific goal. A think tank is simply a place where you can get good, sound advice from, well, think tanks.

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