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RE: Child torture by the state via schools.

in Proof of Brain4 years ago

Geeezzz that's cruel. I remember My self as a kid being grounded locked up in my room for hours and it is a torture for real. Adult may stand lockdown and find other stuff to do to keep them busy.
But a kid tho with all his energy and enthusiasm for playing and interaction can't be locked up not even an hour at noon forcing him a nap.
Just imagine how complicated and perplexed for a kid to go through a tough time with a pandemic that he has no clue of wtf is going on outside and feels somehow punishment for doing nothing wrong.
It's cruelty!


I agree it is cruelty. It was extended to 18 years old, so 16 and 17 year old young adults were not allowed out without parents either.
If the parents worked they were locked inside for the whole day. Imagine that at that tender age?

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Yep it's pretty messed up, when surprising in such a critical age of their development we can speculate that The result of it won't be a pretty thing for the world.
It feels sad for theses kids :/