I think Apple needs to refocus and get back to what made them a household name. I am not ditching my stock. The price of their devices has actually come down quite a bit in the past few years. I have a mac running in my basement at home. I don't use it much, but it is a solid machine.
I hope they have the wherewithall to turn things around Bozz. There is only so far the brand can take you when you price gouge your customers for ram and hard drive space.
I still think there are intrinsic things you are paying for when you are getting an Apple device. For some people those aren't as important, but for others they mean the difference between a pleasant user experience and an annoying one. I think that is part of where the premium comes from.
100% agree there is a premium for the software and UX.. but the gauging over ram and hard drives that should be standard on premium devices...
Ah okay, yeah, I understand what you are saying now.