I'm going to read everything again later but it is very true that there are levels to guys that haven't had experience with women. People don't realize that some guys haven't even kissed a girl.
I just think this whole experience is going to have ups and downs. And it equalizes itself. It is like Bitcoin. When it gets out of balance it returns below norm and then finally bounces back to norm. I think we are still on the way down right now. It will get way worse and then suddenly behaviors will change.
A lot of people have been deleting themselves and I think it certainly has to do with feeling like their life is meaningless once they can't attract women. Suddenly it is too much work to go on and they feel unwanted even if they go the Pay 2 play route because it isn't genuine desire.
Warren Farrel said long ago, that women are having their renegotiation of their roles.
And that sometime soon, men would enter their period.
It looks like that is going to be the case.
But, it is very weird the timing. Wimminz got full control over repoductive rights back in one of the best times. Men get their time while the world falls apart. Makes sense... but, damn, does not seem nice or fair.
Men self deletion... Young men and recently divorced men. Sky high rates. Wimminz do not care.
Aaron Clarey recently wrote a book "The Menu - Life Without the Opposite Sex" because, men do not have much meaning to their lives when the opposite sex finds them not worthy to procreate with.
The need to be around women is insane..... but yeah when these guys throw in the towel it is a life of drugs or permanent deletion by their own leap.