F'inism has convinced wimminz that men are the bad guys.
Which is actually very easy.
Because wimminz only want the top 10% of guys... so, average lady has to settle for average man, and she is seething for the rest of her life.
Also like a child who has to learn tie their shoes, they will push away the parent, and demand to tie it themselves. Wimminz are being like this.
Men love women. It is hardwired. Women love/hate men. They love men doing things for them, but they hate having to rely on a man to do that stuff. It is why "misogyny" is an effective word against men, and "misandry" doesn't even phase women.
It was easy to convince wimminz that men are the problem and are evil. It goes with the grain. The negative-femanine is all about this. Solipsism. Hypergamy. Having loose morals.
The negative-femanine is society, and thus, world destructive.
Just embrace your inner beatch