Be the energy you want to attract.

in Proof of Brain4 years ago

WhatsApp Image 2021-08-09 at 1.37.33 PM.jpeg

"God raises them and the wind blows them together"

This refers to the Law of Attraction, which is a powerful universal law that has an amazing influence on people's lives.
The Law of Attraction tells us that everything we feel, think and say attracts that which resembles itself.
If so, then we can certainly find people who talk most about illness and are always ill. They talk of prosperity and they are the ones who enjoy prosperity. So if you feel poor, you will not attract success; if you always feel sad, you will hardly attract joy into your life.

There is a correlation between what you think, imagine, feel, say and act; all these elements are correlated and make what manifests in your life one or the other reality: the one you have decided to create by attraction.

In order to put the law of attraction into practice, you must first focus on what legs you have because that is what begins to incite your life experience.


When you think about what you want, that energy is immediately activated and if that thought is consistent and grows, it gains strength and attracts what you want. The same happens when you think of something you don't want; that same law, that same force causes it to amplify and attract it as well. The more you think about something, the more attractive force it acquires and the more certain it will happen in your life!

Your thought becomes attractive.
That thought must contain emotions, so it must be positive.
Trust the energy of the universe to speed up the process.
Be grateful and collaborative with others, that will harmonise the action.
Invest in yourself meditation space to calm the soul so that nothing disturbs you.
We are energy and everything is connected to it.


Remember that you are responsible for the reality you live, for its power of attraction and creation.

Thank you for reading me! I hope you enjoyed it.


Follow me on Instagram @cpingenieria All pictures without source are property of @carlosp18

Discord: carlosp18



This post I remember the phrase:

"Be the change you want to see in the world."

Very nice post, @carlosp18.

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Excellent phrase, I wish people were aware of it.