carmenrivas cross-posted this post in Proof of Brain 2 years ago

Hive Open Mic Week 140 "La Restinga" Cover By @carmenrivas

in Hive Open Mic2 years ago

Hola, mi querida comunidad, esta vez el saludo para mi post no es "mi grito de guerra" ya que estoy disfònica. Eso originò que grabara no como vocalista sino como instrumentista,ejecutando el furruco o furro, un instrumento muy original, que basicamente pareciera ser un tambor con una verada "quitipòn" en medio.

El furruco no puede faltar a la hora de acompañar los tradicionales agunaldos y gaitas venezolanas. Su origen podría ser aborigen o quizá africano. Hay quienes opinan que fue traido a Amèrica por los esclavos africanos, otros, en cambio,piensan que naciò como una espei de variante de la zambomba española. Es un instrumento de sonido ronco (je, je, como el que tengo en este momento) y sirvió para participar con el canto "la Restinga", que en esta semana 140 en que nos une la temática "El Mar (Caribe)" propuesta por nuestro Artista Destacado @thelooter me pareció sumamente apropiado para que lo interpretáramos.

La Restinga se llama una localidad de Tenerife (España), pero esta Restinga a la que alude la canción es a la Laguna La Restinga, ubicada enla Isla Margarita, en Venezuela. Uno de losincentivos para visitar el parque nacional (del mismo nombre) ubicado enel Estado Nueva Esparta.

Pero esta canción habla de la relación (no se sabe si amorosa o amistosa) de un pescador que se va en Navidad a La Restinga "a tomarse una botella con una sirena linda, con una sirena bella" Esta relación tiee su tinte clandestino, ya que él miente (pero como a todo mentiroso,a la final terminan descubriéndolo) para que nosepan que va a encontrarse con la sirena.

Agradezco a mis compañeros de la Agrupación Musical Venezuelan Power (Nombre ideadopor @fernanblog) que me brindaron su apoyo para que pudiera participar en esta semana 140:

Hello, my dear community of Hive OpenMic, this time the greeting for my post is not "my battle cry" since I am dysphonic. This caused hthat I record not as a vocalist but as an instrumentalist, playing the furruco or furro, a very original instrument that basically appears to be a drum with a vera "put on and take off" in the middle.

The furruco cannot be missing when it comes to accompanying the traditional Venezuelan carols and christmas songs. Its origin could be aboriginal or perhaps African. There are those who believe that it was brought to America by African slaves, others, on the other hand, think that it was born as a kind of variant of the Spanish zambomba. It is an instrument with a hoarse sound (heh, heh, like the one I have in my throat at this moment) and it served to participate with the song "la Restinga", which in this week 140 in which the theme is "El Mar (Caribe)" (The Sea Caribbean) unites us, proposed by our Spotlight Artist @thelooter I found it extremely appropriate for us to perform.

La Restinga is called a town in Tenerife (Spain), but this Restinga that the song alludes to is the La Restinga Lagoon, located on Margarita Island, in Venezuela. One of the incentives to visit the national park (of the same name) located in the State of Nueva Esparta.

But this song talks about the relationship (it is not known whether it is loving or friendly) of a fisherman who goes to La Restinga at Christmas "to have a bottle with a pretty mermaid, with a beautiful mermaid". This relationship has its clandestine tinge, since that he lies (but like all liars, they end up finding out in the end) so that they don't know that he is going to meet the mermaid.

I would like to thank my colleagues from the Venezuelan Power Musical Group (Name devised by @fernanblog) who gave me their support so that I could participate in this week 140:

Les invito a disfrutar de "La Restinga" en su versión original de Gaita con los espectaculares "Cardenales del Éxito"

I invite you to enjoy "La Restinga" in its original version of Gaita with the spectacular "Cardenales del Éxito"

Integrantes de la Agrupaciòn Musical “Venezuelan Power” (Nombre ideado por@fernanblog)/ Members of the Musical Group "Venezuelan Power" (Name devised by @fernanblog)

@elioe Maracas and choirs @gabyjr Recording @hermaryrc Choirs, image consultancy @orlandobello Percussion @sayury Lead vocals, cuatro venezolano

@elioe Maracas y coros @gabyjr Grabación @hermaryrc Coros, asesoría de imagen @orlandobello Percusión @sayury Voz principal, cuatro


Your support for the current HiveBuzz proposal (#199) is much appreciated but it will expire end of December!
May we ask you to review the new proposal (#248) and renew your support so that our team can continue their work next years?
You can support the new proposal on Peakd, Ecency, or using HiveSigner.

We wish you a Happy New Year!Dear @carmenrivas, /