It's great that the hospital staff are getting suspicious. This is the first step. I feel that here, they are still believing that the jabbed people getting sick, are just needing more jabs. People here are still marching to the beat of the pharma government cabal's drum. They feel superior to folks like me who haven't had the sniffles or flu for 5 years. They proudly walk around with their masks outside when it's not mandatory outdoors. some even double mask. I realize they are frightened of getting a cold with a different name
I need to keep looking within to the inner world.
Love the lush and glorious landscape.
I have started to walk around without a mask just to see people’s reaction. Last year, someone would offer me a free mask! Now more people wear masks on their chins.
More jabbed people are dropping dead here. There will be a panic for hospitals beds by the end of this year.
I have given up hope for those wearing two masks! They will regret and get bitter next year! Stay away from zombies.