Poverty thought

in Proof of Brain4 years ago

To start our changes from poverty to abundance, we must first eliminate some thoughts that we have always kept in mind, since depending on how our thoughts will be our actions, it is for them that we must analyze ourselves and eliminate those bad and negative thoughts that only attract poverty to our life.

There are thoughts that keep us in poverty that our head goes over and over again, that the only thing that makes our actions determine in poverty, being harmful thoughts that limit us from being successful in life, not having a good economy.


Thoughts we must eliminate

Money is not enough

How many times have we repeated these words, how many times has it happened in our mind, making us feel powerless, that nothing we do will be worth it because it will not continue to reach, we can have two jobs but our money will never reach. This is because you already have a chip in your memory that the money does not reach you, you do not look for actions where you can do for the money to reach you, the more we earn the more we spend.

We do not have limits, we do not have a budget that we control our expenses, having this thought we will never have an exit or an action so that our money can reach. Since if he always thought that he would never reach you, he would never do it, the word "I can't" is one of the most harmful that is found in our thinking, it is a great obstacle that we ourselves are not placing, and the word "does not reach me" It is synonymous with shortages of poverty, where you can never see a way out or solutions.

This is the first thought that you should eliminate, find solutions, such as having an extra income, apart from maintaining a budget for your expenses and eliminating which expenses are less important that will save you money.

Money brings trouble

This depending on our mentality, if we are prepared to handle a certain amount of money, because it may be that one day overnight one of your cryptocurrencies increases its value inexplicably and you make a fortune with this money, it is so great the amount you see in your eyes that what you think you will lack time to spend, where you buy a car, house, clothes, do celebrations when a moment comes your money disappears, you are left with large debts, from there is where the problem is generated.

The problem is in ourselves, in that we must have positive thoughts, in seeing money not as the one that brings happiness, we continue to think that money brings problems then it will never live an abundance because the closed mind that it has against money will not allow you be able to obtain financial freedom. Prepare your mind for the positives, for abundance.

I was not born for business

This is another thoughts that many must cross their minds, that they have not been born or are not prepared for a business. No one is born learned, everything is learned on the road of life, we must not allow the business world to intimidate us, we are afraid of obstacles because we are the first to hinder large projects for fear of failure. We must feed our minds on financial issues on issues related to the economy and finance.

I will never earn more than

Sometimes we are always envying other people's earnings, thinking that we can never have the same financial abundance as my neighbor, cousin, friend or anyone else. Placing obstacles where it was luckily, which is more intelligent and understands the business world, when we never think that we have never done anything to get out of poverty, that we have not acted, that all we do is complain about life.

I can only make money in my profession

This is a big lie, each of us have skills that we can develop and not precisely in the profession we study. I place my case, I am a graduate in Public Accountant and I am making a living here within this Hive ecosystem and its second layer, where I have had better opportunities than in the profession I studied.

Poverty will always be on your mind, they will come to words like I can't, I can't pay that, I don't have time, making your actions be that which cannot pay them because it does not look for the way it cannot act when you are thinking that you cannot, because it is easier to say you can't than you can do it. When you have those thoughts, eliminate them and do not make statements where your mind closes up to questions that so that your mind opens up to possibilities to find a way to do things, what actions you can take.

To get out of poverty first is to eliminate it from our minds.

Posted via proofofbrain.io


Without a doubt. It is all an inside game. The strategies, opportunities, and paths are all that. It is just a matter of us embracing them and believing we can do it. The great thing about Hive is that, after about 6 months, if we are consistent and active, we can start to see the results for ourselves. Our wallets get bigger and we start to reach some goals. This helps to keep us motivated.

You are a fine example of this.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Everything starts from our mind until we take it to real life, if we are negative people and with statements I CAN'T, we will never find anything in life.

The best way to activate our brain by asking ourselves when, how we will make our brain activate to find solutions so that we can then act on activities.

It's just a matter of accepting them and believing that we can do it. The good thing about Hive is that after about 6 months, if we are consistent and active, we can start to see the results for ourselves. Our wallets get bigger and we start to hit some goals. This helps keep us motivated.

Your words are very true, I am proof of them that I have remained constant and active, not every day but I do try to be as active as possible. Today my portfolio in Leodex is valued at $ 600 I never thought I would have that value in my account ... Thanks to Hive to you, the curators and users, today and tomorrow my bill will grow every day.

You are a good example of this.

Thank you for your words.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

$600 is only the starting point for you. Keep up your activity and compound that $600 and it will grow. That is how this all works. Just keep a vision of where things will be in 2 or 3 years.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Very true what you say in this publication, I felt identified with the last point since I also had to adapt my professional training to this new space in addition to go another way by virtue of following my own entrepreneurship, definitely Hive Blog and all its communities are a springboard for the personal imposition of all with the help of cryptocurrencies.

Posted via proofofbrain.io

If I imagine this is how we have all passed here ...

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

What an awesome post,the kind of thoughts we have shapes the kind of life we will live and how our life journey will be...@celi130

Posted via proofofbrain.io

I agree totally with you,having positive thought will lead to positive action which will make us great..

Posted via proofofbrain.io

That's the idea ... Thank you for stopping by and commenting ...

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Thank you for stopping by and commenting ... Well for those that we must maintain positive thoughts to bring good things to our life, we are always with happiness and joy ...

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta