Lol that's a though question.
What do you prefer as in?.
For me it'll be a lot easier to have a female colleague as a friend rather than a lover. I know they can be a lot of cooperation if love is involved but to be on a safer side I'll prefer respect and admiration or like.
It'll save me a lot of drama, and stress. At the end of the day you'll see that they'll be a healthy working experience (if it's a colleague from work) or a healthy schooling experience (if it's a colleague from school).
What would you prefer, I'll love to hear from you
Nice from you, I love the part you said
For me I would prefer to be liked first before loved by humans because love is in action and true love comes from God.
You may not love me in the first place but my good behavior can change your perception about me and later fell in love with me
I get what you mean is a great build up to love. Love in itself is special and amazing. Bit I think if someone doesn't like you, there's certainly no way they can love you.
Like you said, God is the only one that can offer true love because God is love