Rules Of Life

in Proof of Brain4 years ago


There are many scripts of life, both collective and individual scripts of life
But why? No answer for why?
This silence turned life into complicated subject, hollow subject
We need one answer, just one answer.

Life became all about lack of choices, not because of life, it's because of people, closed mind people
People are doing heavy lifting for money, paper money
Paper money is ruling on life, artificial life
This situation is bad, real bad.

Humans follows blind rules, blindly following rules
There is no understanding in the picture, off picture
That's how they won this game, puppet game
It's not your game, it's their game.

Everything covered under a mask, secret mask
That's how they built hidden world, not your world
Safer heaven for them, living hell for you, them versus you
They are enjoying this game, blindfolded game.

They always talk about safety, we are living in the world there is no safety
Safety is illusion, lie and illusion
Humans are not safe for humans, nature of humans
Circle of life, rules of life.


"This is my original and imaginative work".

(Pictures are edited and used from the Canva application).

Chiranjeevi Sarikonda


You should put your poems at trade-free social platform

I might have an answer for that through a New doctrine of thought called spiritual psychology where there's actually a university for it that tutors students for educating the world on what they've reached through research a "life goals Spam" which is linear and obvious and the awareness of "spiritual line" that is deeper and mindful that follows an upper scale of human experience on earth.
