KOGs on site P2P marketplace!!- Splinterlands Gold card airdrop, NFTs & Community

in Proof of Brain4 years ago


NFT trilemma what is that? Why KOGs is changing WAX forever? All these questions and more will be answered in todays write up.

What is a NFT trilemma

This video below highlighted something that I noticed & tried to describe about the NFT space. An NFT trilemma according to the video is balancing rarity, accessibility, & community with the NFT market & its users.

Anyone into NFTs needs to watch this video, but I found the NFT trilemma description particularly apt.

Simplistically the Blockchain Trilemma is- The popular belief that public blockchains must sacrifice either security, decentralization, or scalability in their infrastructure.

So accessibility, rarity, & community Being the NFT trilemma is a perfect description of the issues faced.

From my perspective the Community & rarity the driving forces increasing value often can hinder accessibility. WAX is the opposite end of the spectrum accessible and rare but lacking in community which can ultimately hinder value.

Hive has the issue of accessibility, so to does ETH, CARDANO, and BSC based NFT projects. Their primary focus being either security, functionality, or both this is an absolutely essential aspect.

I'm not trying to underestimate average consumers, but in my experience talking new users through a crypto wallet setup is next to impossible. This will eventually lessen but considering a secondary option to explaining the specifics is in the end a deciding factor for consumers.

Splinterlands actually has began addressing this issue with how the game sign up works.

Not sure if it functions yet but last month setting up my friends account on Splinterlands I noticed a WAX wallet sign in option.

Effectively this would mean the user simply needs a Google or Apple ID account. Which they need anyway for the devices play store meaning without understanding it they are into a NFT market and on a blockchain game.

All that & in game purchases mostly being handled with Pay Pal based credits. Any consumer is in a Blockchain game & NFT market without understanding either.

When & if they want to cash out they need to hit up google but their in that's the important part the final mile as it where.

I love the complicated nature of crypto the puzzle I can never fully solve but others simply do not.

I own a Mine

Got astoundingly lucky today & now I own a Mine in Zombie coin Miner.

Now in a few days they will be giving out free explorer Tickets for white listed accounts like mine. However for now paying for the tickets has been made much cheaper by staking $NEFTY.
Now I already buy on the dip in price so $0.35 is not what I'm paying but now in addition to that $0.05 or so off I now have this after every purchase on $NEFTY.
Now this goes both ways and sellers as well as buyers dont have to stake any $NEFTY to get a small refund claim. Sellers also get a claim in addition to sale rev, staking increases this reward for either action. https://www.zombiecoin.io/mineownerfee

Not to mention I now get weekly pay outs of $NEFTY from staking.

Utilizing the discount and patience I got a mine its possible I'm proof of that.

Hard to get this to work routed through discord all that B.S but worse comes to worse I can sell it for more WAX then it produces.


Another major update with the KOGs colection again this time in their site functionality. Rfox labs currently has a project plan that once fully fleshed out is similar in nature to how Hive & their games function.

Yesterday the KOGs sit got an NFT market added for their WAX wallet users to buy and sell KOGs. Since you already handle staking

As well as colection blends with (Chubbs) on their site, a P2P market just seems right.

Your WAX wallet could already connect to the KOGs site as can your BSC & ETH wallet. Now you can only pay in WAX my guess is they eventually allow for RFOX (BSC alt) payments.

Like how Splinterlands has their in game market in relation to Peaked Monsters or Monster market.

Making them even closer to one another Hive & RFOX labs are the secondary aspects to the Rfox Labs ecosystem Including a:

  • Video Streaming service (already active),

  • Rfox Labs Meta verse (Build Phase)

  • A blog (Build Phase),

  • Rfox Labs Exchange (active),

  • Their play to earn Game KOGs (closed Beta)

Rfox Labs understands something curtail about NFTs they are social in nature. Like art they in certain instances are to be displayed shared a symbol of accomplishment or status even just a conversation piece.

Though exceptions to that rule exist such as a utility functionality that is independent of consumer appeal. Given this social aspect of NFTs is an essential component Splinterlands, Green Rabbit, & KOGs to me are all solid investments.

On that note KOGs $8 Pack unboxing time
This ultra rare is money!
With the schedule for staking announced and the dead line set these will go very quick & they where already doing well.

Hive side hustles

Recently I stared looking into all the little side projects offered by Hive but not necessarily connected to a blog. Among the myriad of projects of note I have a few I have covered before but now have further information on functionality.

  • Bro.fi- Did not know they had an earnings calculator on their site or a site for that matter. You can delegate 30 Separate HIVE alts to brofi to receive BRO regularly. all the info can be found on the site below.

    image.png https://www.brofi.cc/
  • PIZZA -not so much a functionality I discovered recently but a update on my liquidity pool testing.
    0.777 PIZZA a day and 116 STARBITS not bad for what I put in the diesel pool.

  • CTP- I know its a blog but what I have to add about this project isn't much news. Site layout has changed like the other blogs now supporting NFTs but no NFTs odd.

  • Krypto gamers- Haven't brought this up in months but I dont care for gambling, though this small Hive based Gambling Dapp isn't that bad.
    Offering all those games of chance on the HIVE blockchain, for those that Stake their HIVE alt GAMER you generate dividends for others gambling on site.
    Recently they added both quests
    As well as a new seamless site wallet making games run smoother.
    weather a Gambler or a frugal investor both types of Hive users should be aware of Krypto gamers. My referral is below if you dont mind using it.

Now I could literally talk Hive side hustles all day, however I'm going to stop here and circle back on a future write up.

XYO hits coin base?

Yeah this ones a curve ball but there is a app on android I have utilized in the past called (coin). They pay users to leave the app going and either drive or walk providing telemetry data which they pay for.

The ERC20 they use called XYO just got added to coin base WTF I cant explain it Coins Legit I have been paid out before.

However with ETH gas fees higher then me on a Tuesday I stopped bothering with it.

Despite the ETH crap not a bad token or service (we get tracked any way might as well get paid).

Since my job has me on the road a few hours a day Coin isn't bad to leave going during the trip.

Rising star


New festival wristband from the world tour today, given this can get a little lacking in substance as a topic. I'm just going to start doing Unboxings as well as updates on my world tour progress.
10 down 2 to go on the first festival tour region Northern Europe

Opening a 3 pack

Not great but I'm certain this is my new vocalist because of the description.

Rising Star referral



One of the projects I unfortunately pushed to the back burner Dcrops Is worth getting into. So much so as soon as I figured out their CROP POWER - HIVE & DCROP distribution system.
So $20 in Hive gets you into the running just straight up purchasing 10 packs.

A minimum of 20,000 CROP Power is necessary in order to start getting rewards. Doing this has increased my POWER to the point in which I'm currently 72nd place.
Like me that APY which is why I had to drop $20 on this to see what earnings potential Dcrops poses.
So far so good but the problem I face is remembering to harvest the planted crops though I dont think you actually have to play to qualify for rewards.
I as well as every other NFT enthusiast should be playing Dcrops its baffling its not much more popular. Like Dcity I fear DCrops has been overlooked, However unlike Dcity Dcrops is simple enough to get grow crops or own assets to equate 20,000 CROP POWER.
Who actually thought I'm going to get through this section without an Unboxing.
Yeah that was way to lucky 1 pack $2 I got this shown above, purple is Epic Rarity. According to market price those two farm plots are valued at:
Basically one of the 2 would qualify as double my money + I got the other 3 NFTs for free.
The Game has seasons, right now its the summer season, this matters because only certain plants grow at certain seasons.
Didn't get many summer seeds in that pack, but I know that Water melon works for summer so I'm going with that.

H3ll $2 a pack is nothing lets open another
Not as good as the first but not horrible either between the 2 I still profit sell or keep them I still profit.
If I where you & haven't started playing Dcrops yet I would definitely change that ASAP.

Side note to the Devs

https://peakd.com/@dcrops Going to level with you awesome project, I have but 2 notes first and most important.

  • A Graphic representing a pack doesn't even have to be tokenized just the illustration of one on the shop menu would work.

  • Second and a little less important but Promo NFTs on WAX works wonders for advertising, WAX NFTs can easily be airdropped & that effectively would advertise for free.

Other then some minor marketing tweaks good job over all.

Dcrops Referral


Splinterlands a seasons end

Truly ecstatic new legendary to add to my colection
Despite the decreased account power I would normally get last generation this card I have had my eye on. Why level it up & it gives you Poison immunity, strangely enough an ability more or less missing with death.
Just a completionism dream today on Splinterlands my quest rewards yielded yet another Reward card I wanted but had not received until today.
These cards may have decreased rewards however their Utility value should not be underestimated. By taking advantage of the markets blatant disregard for clearly advantageous effects / cards you could piece together quite the colection.
Personally I'm focusing on Gold cards because regardless of the burn value I need them for tournaments and brawls with gold only rule sets.

BTW those are just my reward gold cards
I said I am a completionist & if anything that is a drastic understatement. Splinterlands has its hooks in the nerd part of my brain & I would go over board with collectibles I couldn't profit on.

Basically tied Magic the gathering in to crypto my two biggest obsessions, Side not any ne else see the news on resale prices for Lego and Pokémon going through the roof. In one new report someone drove through a wall of a comic book store.

I even bought Splinterlands merch
Drink coffee out of this and my weed cash one on the regular

No lie even got it back before the airdrop and all the hype, bought it with proceeds from this sale:
Good god the market has changed in 6 months, Cups are $11 hoodie is $45 probably my next move with fall on the way.

Yeah rep your favorite blockchain project accessories + clothing both starts a dialog about the project in question & helps Identify you as a Blockchain user.

Back to Splinterlands little off topic what can I say ADD, All my posts have airdrops todays will be a special one a New Gold rewards card will be included.

Recipient literally gets to pick a price for the market

Since my Tip Bot airdrop has gotten little usage since I started it participate today you Get foil KOGs
Call it paying it forward as Hive & its services have given me so much. Speaking of Splinterlands WAX just did a medium article featuring them quote " NFT play to earn games on WAX Killing it".

My Hive thrive NFT design update

A NFT Colection designed around Hives many services as inspiration meant to promote & inform the general public of each.

Utilizing a Blend use case system with bi weakly drops with limited minting's.
Projects with multiple crypto involved are going to be more straight forward, Other projects like PIZZA (If I can settle on a design) would have their Hive thrive Tribute NFT Blended with projects they have partnered with.
Still not right but its the design phase this I know wont work for the end product.

Any odd ball projects will still be featured eventually but their blend use case will not be immediately introduced.

Already up to 1,500 $NEFTY I will likely hold off until my account has 3,000 $NEFTY & of course I get the go ahead for the representation in this project of the HIVE alts image.

Once enough of these are launched & enough time has passed ill introduce packs from a blend use case.

I'm attempting to do this right have all the resources set up special feature access on Nefty Blocks.

WAX has an alt Bridge now which brings the possibility of HIVE alts there later on but for now that's just a idea. Particularly assets based off EOS or ETH would do well for WAX alts.

I thought my titles needed work 😓, that wordy as h3ll URL has details on the alt bridge.

Any way I'm hoping though myself and many other Hive users have had their projects turned down by WAX that Hive as a whole is impressive enough to warrant a white listing.

This should help with that NFT trilemma from the beginning of this write up giving Hives projects accessibility that isn't currently possible.

Triger a Tip bot get a NFT

Given the rise of popularity of my NFT airdrops & Since there are a few forms of Hive crypto which you can trigger a bot to distribute via a command.
Why not do a secondary airdrop for those that want to participate simply trigger one of the (Tip bot HIVE alts) In the comments followed by your WAX wallet address.

Once I'm aware you have done so I will send a verified NFT for every coin triggered.
BERR is currently out of order but the rest should work fine

  • WINE
  • LUV

For any 1 of these received I will send 1 NFT to the specified WAX address. No limits trigger as many as you want Ill send a NFT for each. ( Today Foil KOGs)
It may take a while but I will respond once the NFT(s) are sent to verify I have done so.

Gold card Airdrop URL

In every post I airdrop WAX NFTs via a URL which can be claimed by the first lucky reader to click it, after its claimed once the link will no longer be active. If your the lucky reader that claims the airdrop please let other readers know in the comments it helps.

For certain this is the first ever airdrop with this Splinterlands NFT 3 in a row on a roll. https://wax.atomichub.io/trading/link/343462?key=5KcRf5SCoc638gehgjfYE2S9UfmfDQNC5dapSwCKwiQGnrmrNA4

Dont forget if your the lucky reader to let the other readers know in the comments it helps. Also If you have any comments or questions about todays write up let me know in the comments.

When my posts do well airdrops get better so please re blog, like, comment, and subscribe to get more large airdrops just like this one.

Perhaps your interested in purchasing any of my NFTs from my ever expanding collection you may do so here.

My stock constantly rotates so it changes daily

Free WAX game play to earn

BSC ALT tipping Social media platform


Hive direct payout

WAX alt direct pay out

WAX & HIVE indirect pay out

Play to earn BTC ETH DOGE

https://wax.atomichub.io/explorer/account/akyqy.wam https://prospectors.io?waxref=akyqy.wam https://rplanet.io/ https://collect.social/referral?r=akyqy.wam https://www.torum.com/signup?referral_code=chubb149 https://www.risingstargame.com/?referrer=chubb149 https://www.cryptobrewmaster.io/game/invite?ref=3d5efa435682425384e9aeb6236ab07e&code=AlphaBonus https://splinterlands.com/?ref=chubb149 https://www.hashkings.app/login https://www.dcrops.com/?ref=chubb149 https://giftgiver.site/faucet https://caittoken.io/account/faucet/ https://coinfaucet.net/?ref=4e6a49344d54673d https://rollercoin.com/?r=k3801qv5 https://pipeflare.io/r/2nh2

Want to stop buy NFTs from my extensive WAX NFT colection?

With over 1,300 White listed NFTs 1,000s of which are for sale feel free to check out my inventory here.

Or submit a trading request here no guarantee I see it though they have not fixed alerts.


Really well written post man... I am diving into NFTs more so outside of the game associated ones and more into individual artists. I have stumbled upon the need for a downloadable file to be provided to the consumer to further ensure ownership and flexability of owned art. What are your opinions on this subject and how would one treat a ipfs image file versus a downloadable jpeg when going to Vista Print lets say or being assured ifps is actual full rez image file. Some nfts I bought recently are too small of a file to even display in a digital frame which is beyond annoying.

a peer-to-peer network is by nature more secure as its decentralized, The issue of IFPS based images is the memory requirements and the provider of said memory incentive for nodes to maintain long term backups of data on the network. Nodes can choose to clear cached data to save space, meaning theoretically files can end up ‘disappearing’ or in this case diminishing in resolution (File size). in the attempt to free up space they can remove image data (Higher resolution) by eliminating system cashed when duplicated & redistributed the files resolution can be compressed & decreased.

There are some interesting work arounds that have been attempted but ultimately scaling has been the issue.

The Merkle DAG enables uniquely identified, tamper-resistant and permanently stored data You can access past versions of edited data via the Version Control System like git hub.

However for like oracle systems coordinating with an ETH based NFT platform you can more or less have the best of both. Look into this article for reference

Then an Ideal model recently announced
https://hackernoon.com/a-beginners-guide-to-ipfs-20673fedd3f https://wax-io.medium.com/psa-ethereum-virtual-machine-and-eth-bridge-coming-to-wax-plus-100-million-wax-fund-for-defi-9920192f0070?source=rss-e40d7875f82f------2

So long story short making sure you get a downloadable file with nft purchase can avoid a million headaches?

Yeah for now any way

I got the airdrop this time. Thanks for the drop. Heres some pizza and beer. I'm not greedy save whatever you would've sent me for the next airdrop. !PIZZA !BEER

$PIZZA@chubb149! I sent you a slice of on behalf of @yems.

Learn more about $PIZZA Token at hive.pizza (1/10)

apricate it thanks for letting the other readers know & participating in the airdrop(s)

I bookmarked the KOGS site so that I would have it for future reference. I love reading your posts, I learn something new each time.



Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

I sent this foil KOG to the address provided, thanks for participating

Much appreciated.

You Are Alive and have been rewarded with 0.1 ALIVE tokens from the We Are Alive Tribe
, and it's paid for by the earnings on @alive.chat, swing by our daily chat any time you want.

This post has been manually curated by Rising Star Game

The NFT based music career game built on HIVE

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Check out the last post from @hivebuzz:

Hive Power Up Month - Feedback from Day 15