The Battle Within

in Proof of Brain2 years ago

He who conquers himself is the mightiest warrior.” — Confucius

Today it's easy for people to talk about other people’s lives and their daily battles. Most people worry about other people's problems, battles and challenges instead of theirs. Nowadays people talk about other people's problems more than they do about theirs and some are not even aware of their battles and challenges while some run away from them.

What most forget is that It’s easy to see other people's problems compared to their own. We all have our flaws and fine lines however being blind to them doesn't just blind us to the truth but bears forth fruit that's most likely harmful to us and our well-being.

It's like a virus that kills from within.

image from pixabay

Being able to accept or not to accept every part of ourselves is something no one can do for us likewise when we are faced with our greatest enemy which is ourselves, no one can fight them on our behalf.

The first battle man has ever been faced with since the beginning of time and will continue to do so is the battle against himself. To win against himself is the greatest he'll ever be faced with. If he loses then he'll need to keep at it until he's fully one with the monster he created.

The world has its own battles ranging from mental to physical battles that cloud the real battle. Politics is one prime example.

Some people at higher tables think they can help others win against themselves, but in reality, it’s a mere illusion as it’s always a matter of different strokes for different folks. We are the only one who knows ourselves and what monster we are up against.

The battle within is one that no one can ever be able to fight for you unless you pick up the fight yourself. However the case may be, we should always have in mind that the worldly battles we face are nothing compared to the battle within that's fought each day from moment to moment. This is the only battle that exists and those who conquered don't get medals but are the ones giving out the medals.

The few who won are those who don't get to be called warriors or seen around the arena.

And when it comes to a battle with oneself you don't have to lift a finger before you win however, you have to figure out how to tame the beast and make peace with your inner self without running away from it no matter how scary it looks or feels.

Do you think we humans are our own greatest enemy or there’s something/someone else out there?

Share your thoughts in the comment box.