Good and dangerous discord !

in Proof of Brain4 years ago


We all need support. That's why we joined discord in the first place !

The support could be in helping us and explaining how things work. Or any other direct support. From our side, we also give that support when we are able to. Maybe when we are new to everything, we may get shy from asking that support. In discord, we may ask anything privately and no one may know about that, unless it's shared. That's another reason to join discord. Because we may always need support. No matter how much we learned, we can't learn about everything. Especially, there are so many new things created in this crypto world.

So, my experience with discord is so long. It's also deep as well. Because I'm working on a community for more than three years and I have about 10 years experience building communities. I started this by the English club I built in Russia. That was the first community I started building in 2011. Then I moved to read reviews about websites where to earn money online, and I joined many forums and a few websites with affiliate programs. So, I created a community of referrals. And then I moderated a big group on Facebook related to crypto. Then I built @dcooperation. And discord, I would say, it's the better tool to build a community. Because it's not just a group, or a channel in telegram, but a server where many channels and categories could be created. It has also the possibility to create audio and video conferences.

But discord exists a long time. And a lot of people know about it. So, it can be risky as well. If someone you don't know messages you, you should be careful. There are scammers who may attract you to a website, or schemes where your money could be stolen from you, or you have to invite people yourself to earn. You could be contacted by fishers who may hack your accounts and steal money from you. You may be contacted by psychological freaks who may just waste your time and may ruin what you are building or distract you from what you are doing. There are even manipulators who may get you in a drama even if you didn't want that. As you see, discord don't have only the bright side, but there is a very dark one as well.

As someone who already get trapped by some psychos in discord, I advise you to be careful using it !

Everything could have the positive and the negative effect on us, the most important is to control the situation !

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It is the same as room for chatting, when there are new members that are not known, I think the moderators should give warning to the new members. Besides that, posting links not in suitable room should not be allowed.

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That's for sure. But there are scammers and spammers contacting people in pm. That's no one could protect us from. We should avoid the interaction with such individuals at all.

this is very true because there is already a lot of scammer in discord. They can make lots of new account and send you DM's with dangerous links and traps.

That's for sure. That's why we should warn all who we know about that.

100 percent. Ive ran into many people on discord that are downright scary.

I'm glad you are aware about that !

We once successfully ran a whole university blogging program on discord and it was indeed a success.
One thing I love about discord is it uniqueness and the great pledge it gives to individual room and chat channels
It wasn’t easy to navigate at first but with time we got used to it

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Yeah, if we are aware of all the things that may happen there, and we use it correctly, it's really a powerful tool to build connection in any community. It's really useful.

I agree to that my dear friend

From my perspective we should all be extremely careful.

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That's for sure !